
From Telrunya Online Wiki


Water is one of the five crucial elements that keep Telrunya alive. Water is the lifeblood of all living creatures and plants. Some believe the Water Element is alive, others believe it is the supreme spirit guiding all Naiads.

The Water Element physically exists as a small blue gem that is protected by potent magic inside of a giant impervious glass bubble that resides in the Throne Room behind Queen Tariel's throne. Only the protector of the Water Element can control this potent magic.

Water as an Energy Source

Water represents those things that are rigid and solid in this world. Pae'il with earth affinities are often stubborn, and highly resistant to movement or change. They are seen as confident Pae'il within society, though part of this confidence is merely that resistance to change, a desire for things to remain as they are.

The Water Element is very fragile and as a part of a whole, a highly sought-after item by those few Pae'il who know of the history of the Five Elements. Queen Tariel's most important duty is to protect the Water Element.

Ancient Name: Sui
Season: Autumn
Colors: Ocean blue, sea green, dusky violet, grey and black
Magical Tools: Water Bladder
Correspondence: Emotion, Compassion, Divination, Intuition
Attributes: Sympathetic, Empathetic, Imaginative, Deep, Jealous, Sensitive, Irrational, Sentimental
Animals: Seal, Dolphin, Crab, Turtle, Frog and all types of Fish
Mythical Associations: Mermaid, Selkie, Sea Serpents, Ondines (water spirits)
Rituals: drinking from the Sacred Cup
Manifestations: Rivers, oceans, lakes, wells, rain, fog, ice, snow, streams, and drinks



Naiad were born of the Water Element. They grow inside special Pearls, to hatch when the time is right.
Naiad are primeval Pae'il, so they share the same basic biological makeup as Angels, Demons, and Faeries. They are flesh, bone, and blood, even similar to humans. They have a fishtail which is a gift from the Water Element that allows them to live within the waters.
All Pae'il are magical and possess the energy required to utilize that magic. Pae'il have an energy source called Aika. Ai is the magic of The Light, and ka is the magic of the Dark. Elemental magic is a more raw version of that lifeforce energy. Naiad tap into that energy source to use their magic and abilities. It is not unlimited, so a Naiad must rest or find a way to replenish their energy before being able to cast another spell.


Pae'il have souls. Pae'il can be reincarnated, but not all are. The connection to their past self has to be discovered through long, arduous questing. No pae'il will know who they used to be without effort, although some may find certain things familiar, or certain triggers may unlock brief memories of the past.
Naiad are connected to the waters. They have the unique ability to traverse salt or freshwater with just minimal transitional time. The type of water only affects how their fishtail and fins will look when they hatch.
When a Naiad dies, his scales will fade to grey and his body will float where it lost its soul for three days until it turns to water. In its place, a small bubble will form, growing slowly, and then will gradually float towards the giant globe housing the Water Element in the Throne Room of Alu Spring. Their soul will remain in the spirit world until they are reborn or Called*.
Naiad believe all living things have spirits. Spirits differ from souls in that spirits are eternal and living in the spirit world. It takes a medium (Seer or someone with equal gifts) to communicate with them. All Naiad can give offerings to please the spirits, and they look for signs to see that the spirits are pleased. A soul is what you call a spirit that has a mortal body. (So when a Naiad passes, he becomes a spirit until he's reborn.)


Naiad are organic and influenced by their environment. Their appearance can alter depending on their surroundings.
Naiad have fishtails with thin, transparent fins. When they leave the water, these fins become legs.
Naiad are covered in soft scales that glimmer when caught in the light. These scales cover their entire body, even when their fins turn to legs.
This transition is painless, however, if they stay out of the water too long, the scales start to dry and shrink, which pulls on flesh and is very painful. It feels like burning.
Naiad bleed red, like all Pae'il.
Naiad can die. ((For RP purposes, you have to clear this with Staff first, otherwise your Pae is assumed to be in the limbo state in the Hall of Lost Souls.))
Naiad, like all Pae'il, have lips, mouths, and noses. They are just not visible on the official cert art.
Naiad ears look like fins, but the fins protect their ear holes.
Naiad are longer than normal Pae is tall.
If a Naiad is isolated from their body of water, their power will slowly drain, making it impossible for them to perform spells. A bathtub or tank will not work, as the water needs to be natural, such as a river, pond, lake, or sea.
Naiad have gills, which is how they breathe underwater.


Naiads are very decadent and indulgent.
Naiads have abundance in their world under the water with very little competition.
Typically, the male Naiad role is to leave the palace or lake to hunt while the females remain to handle politics and diplomacy. It is not strictly enforced, as there are females who excel at hunting, but it is the general teaching and widely accepted as the norm.
Naiads can live in the palace (temple) because there are hundreds and hundreds of rooms, and it is protected by the Water Element.
Naiads can live anywhere in the lakebed, as there are coral reefs, kelp beds, caves, and grottoes everywhere.
It is advised to not live in the Sea, because the Court cannot offer protection to those Naiads who choose to live in the "wild"

Fine Dining

Naiads have diverse palettes and eat a vast array of available seafood and aquatic vegetation.
They are not cannibals, because they are not technically fish themselves.

Court Life

  • The term "court" refers to three things:
1. The collective noun for Queen Tariel's closest confidant, bodyguard, and hunter
2. The term used to describe the assembly of all Naiads when official business is conducted in the Throne Room
3. The term used to refer to those in service of the Queen, who have been given the title of Lady or Sir.

((use context clues to discover which usage is appropriate in RP))

  • Court life is very formal.
The Queen must be addressed as "Your Highness" or "Your Majesty" in public, upon first address, and 'Mi'lady' is acceptable afterward. Addressing her by her first name, or nickname is unacceptable.
The Queen's children will be addressed as 'You're Highness"
The Queen is not to be formally approached in Court without permission.
The Queen is not to be touched under any circumstances in public. In private, she invites physical contact.
The Royal Court, consisting of Sadron and Turin are the law in the lake, and their word must be followed.
All Naiads are invited to sit in and witness court.

Typical Jobs

  • Hunters (both as food-gatherers and soldiers, serving under Commander Sadron)
  • Craftspae & Artisans
  • Bonesmiths (armor for the Queensguard and hunters)
  • Attendants to the Queen (Handmaidens & Ladies)
  • Farmers (Kelp, algae, shellfish, etc.)
  • QueensGuard (serving under Captain Turin)
  • Entertainers (actors, musicians, poets, bards)
  • Teachers

Religious & Moral Views

Naiads revere the Water as their protector and life-giver. They do not have a deity otherwise.
They believe in guiding spirits, but not to the extent the Faun do.
Naiads are more hedonistic than any other Pae'il type (or Breed) on the island.
Because of their more laid-back lifestyle, they are not as connected to the element spirits as the other Ancients. However, this is just a generalization as Naiad can choose to be more spiritual.

Travel On Land

Naiad tailfins are strong and durable in the water. When they split to allow Naiad land-dwelling mobility, they become delicate and susceptible to damage. A Naiad can only remain on dry land for a few hours before the pain of drying out starts to set in. There are a couple of methods Naiad have to allow extended stay on land:
  • Any Naiad born in the lake prior to the Aernyn arrival (July 2009) will have been gifted a special shell necklace that allows Naiad to remain on land indefinitely without drying out. However, the necklace does not replenish the Water energy required to perform magic or use special abilities.
  • Naiad children are gifted a special little water bladder (canteen). The water bladder can be filled with water from the Water Element Globe in the throne room. When on land, if this water is sipped, it can replenish hydration and water energy for as long as the water lasts in the bladder. (This is effectively retroactive from July 2009 forward)
  • Naiad that arrive as adults, will receive this special water bladder as part of their welcome and Water alliance ritual. (when Naiad get their power and swear fealty to the Water and Elements)


Long ago, before the Angels and Demons ruled Telrunya, there were the Ancients. The Ancients existed in peace, keeping balance in all things.

One sect of the Ancients, led by a young Pae'il named Alu, was entrusted with the duties to protect the Water and all that it represented. Born of the Waters themselves, these Pae'il had a special form. They had come to be known as the Naiads. Half fish, and half Pae'il, they had created a thriving civilization in Tuatha Ri Lake.

The thriving Naiad civilization erected a grand temple to serve as both a palace full of living spaces and a central government structure. They named the temple Alu Spring - after their beloved queen. Tragically the temple was soon abandoned after the Queen's assassination and the attack on the remaining Naiad people.

Naiads began to die out, however the unborn remained protected for ages on Telrunya until one day, eight eggs washed ashore on Pae'Kippu Beach and the Naiads lived once more.

Unnoticed by many, the ruins of the Naiad Temple remained mostly untouched and not even a memory to today's modern Pae'il. That is, until one day, a foreign and exotic Naiad and her entourage surfaced after the island had descended to the Sea. The moment she touched the sacred waters of Tuatha Ri Lake, the ruined temple sprang to life, magically repairing itself for the homecoming of the reborn Queen of Naiads.

About Alu: Alu was a compassionate leader. She was very adaptable and encouraged everyone to continue in their personal growth and be accepting of change. She was an emotional girl, but that did not interfere with her duties as Queen and ruler of all Naiad.

Under the Sea

There are two types of Naiad: Regular and Wild. The Wild Naiads call themselves Aernyn and are not from Telrunya.

Deep in the trenches of Tuatha'ri Lake is a labyrinth of dark caves, tunnels, and caverns. The walls of some of the deepest, darkest tunnels are lined with a warm, gelatinous, and nutritious substance. This creates the perfect environment for nurturing the eggs of the aquatic life of Telrunya. Every once in a while, a spark of the Water Element will become embedded in these warm and comfortable caves, causing a special pearl to form. Inside these pearls is a brand new Naiad Pae'il. Instinct will lead the newly hatched tadpoles through the caves and to the light.
Aernyn Naiads come from Pearls that were cultivated from the bottom of the sea, long before Telrunya landed on top of the water above them. When the Queen and her court relocated their home to Tuatha'ri Lake, all remaining Aernyn Pearls were ordered to be placed in the Caverns of Life, because without the protection of the Court in the sea, the Pearls stood no chance of surviving.
It is extremely rare for a Naiad Pearl to hatch out in the sea, unprotected and unguarded.
The location of the caves that produce the Naiad Pearls is a closely guarded secret that only Naiad know, and they dare not reveal it to non-aquatic Pae'il. Not out of fear, but out of reverence to their own kind. The Caverns of Life are sacred to Naiad.
Most first-generation Naiad come from a Pearl from inside of the Caverns of Live.
Second generation Naiad are live-born, carried by the mother.
When a same-gendered couple wishes to expand their family, all they have to do is take a visit to the Caverns of Life to select their special Pearl. Their heart will lead them to the correct Pearl.
All Pearls grow from love, and are born with the spark of Water inside them.
**NOTE: Only a small handful of Aernyn Naiad Pearls existed off-Telrunya, and none were created naturally, aside from second generation Pearls. All Pearls that "fell" off of the island and landed in the sea have been recovered. Any future Aernyn come from the same place as regular Naiad: the Caverns of Life.

Naiad Hybrids

Hybrids are a mix of two different types of Pae.

Sometimes, the heart wants what the heart wants.

Naiad embody the Water element. So when they fall in love with another breed of Pae'il, that Water magic mixes with the other magic to create a unique and special little baby.

Discovered Water Hybrids:

Naiad + Angel = Water Angel (Light Coatl)
Naiad + Demon = Water Demon (Dark Coatl)
Naiad + Faerie = Water Faerie (Sprite)
Naiad + Faun = Capricorn

Undiscovered Water Hybrids:

Naiad + ??? = ???
Naiad + ??? = ???
Naiad + ??? = ???

Naiad Subtypes

Naiad pearls in stasis were spread all over the world during the sundering. Queen Tariel was able to call back a delegation from each type nearby in the sea.


Sprites are magical Naiad. Mysteriously, oysters appeared in Silme pond, and the magical waters provided the perfect environment for incubating Naiad pearls. Discovered by the demigod Portia, these Naiad have been immersed in a potent mix of magic and their natural element.

What is unique about these first-generation sprites is that their pearl starts out the size of a golf ball, but grows to the size of a cantaloupe before hatching. They are also born with a tail or legs, depending on where the pearl is when it hatches.


A small school of Seafaunies has made their way to Alu Spring, drawn by not only a mysterious force but also fleeing from an indescribable terror that is swallowing their homeland. They come from the same land as the Faunies, so they are only available from a seafauny + seafauny breeding. Otherwise, they are considered capricorns for breeding purposes.

Sea Faunies are a unique type of Naiad, born and cultivated in a distant land where life was sustained by a different magical source. Seafaunies are a distant cousin to Faunies, a genetic evolution adapted to survival in aquatic environments.

  • They are Naiad influenced by the environment of their homeland, which gives them Fauny-like features.
  • They have very slick skin.
  • Their tails are prehensile
  • Unlike Naiad, they cannot split their tail for a set of temporary legs. There is nothing in their physiology that allows for survival outside of water.
  • They are only average swimmers, as previously their survival did not depend on escape from predators.
  • They do not have gills but can still breathe underwater
  • They are resistant to pressure and temperature in the deep waters, like all Naiad
  • They get energy from Water as do all Naiad
  • Sadly, their eggs do not survive in the Cave of Life


  • For breeding purposes, they are considered half Naiad, half Fauny.
  • Second-generation Seafauny come from only Seafauny + Seafauny pairings

Seafauny are a rare variant of Capricorns All other breeding rules apply.








