
From Telrunya Online Wiki

I. General Characteristics A. Physical Appearance Size Umbri range in size from "short" and petite to "tall" (re: long) and voluminous. They tend to average out at a point between the height/length of male and female Aernyn naiads. However, they appear smaller and more delicate in comparison, despite their long tentacles. Shape All umbri have the distinctive medusoid (gelatinous bell- or umbrella-shaped) head and body as well as long tentacles that hang down from their torso bell. Color Umbri young (sing. ephyra, plur. ephyrae) are usually clear, white, or just generally paler than adults; maturity and diet have the most impact on coloration. That said, umbri come in a variety of vibrant colors (primarily yellow, pink, blue, or purple) and are often bioluminescent. Features Umbri have two different types of tentacles. The long, thin tendrils are particularly sensitive to environmental changes and the chemical signals from other umbri. These are also used for filtering prey/food items from the surrounding area and directing them to the oral arms. The oral arms are frilly kelp-like appendages which contain the majority of the umbri's stinging cells. These tendrils are used to stun and/or gather food and then bring it to their mouths. Additionally, the oral arms are their primary defense mechanism. Umbri also have upper arms connected to their torso bells that end in hands, but these are mostly used for orientation, maneuverability, and to keep from bumping into other paeple or hard surfaces. Umbri do not leave the water at all if they can help it. They require buoyancy to maintain their shape and if they do end up stranded on dry land, they deflate and dry out very quickly. B. Mental Capabilities Umbri are relatively simple in both thought and action. Overall, they tend to be passive and reactive rather than aggressive and active. The embodiment of "go with the flow", both literally and figuratively. (edited) [10:46 AM] II. Habitat A. Geographic Location Umbri do not have a specific optimal environment and tend to just adapt to wherever the currents leave them. So they can be found in basically any body of water big enough to accommodate them, somewhat regardless of temperature, salinity, and pressure. B. Climate Needs As previously stated, umbri are found all over and, therefore, have no specific climate requirements. They do, however, seem to prefer shallow warm waters and tend to congregate around islands. This is most likely due to the abundance of food found in these areas and the relative safety compared to the open ocean. C. Home Needs Umbri like semi-enclosed spaces with smooth rounded edges and a lot of natural flora to hang onto. While their bells are not actually as fragile as they look, their tentacles can snag on sharp corners and tear. [10:47 AM] III. Life Behaviors A. Diet Umbri are not picky eaters and will eat whatever they are able to catch as long as it can fit in their mouth. The vast majority of their diet consists of zoo- and phytoplankton, baby shrimp, and small fish. B. Mating Umbri are capable of reproducing all year round. However, Blooms are only triggered by very specific environmental conditions and tend to co-occur with algae or phytoplankton blooms. C. Raising Young Umbri are not particularly hands-on in their approach to raising young. Ephyrae tend to hide among one or the other parent's tentacles or under their torso bell until they are big enough to fend for themselves. D. Sleep Pattern Umbri are diurnal. During the day, they drift on currents and passively hunt. At night, they sleep by resting their bells on the seafloor and allow their tentacles to float above them collecting breakfast while they sleep. E. Movement Umbri move primarily by flexing their torso bell, allowing it to drift open wide and then snapping it closed to propel themselves in whatever direction their head is facing. Their upper arms are useful for gripping and pulling themselves along solid surfaces, but are most often used to steer during these bursts of forward movement. F. Sound Umbri speech sounds tend to be perceived as bubbly and "round", but it is their least-used method of communication. Most of the time, they communicate with each other via chemical compounds and bioluminescent flashes. G. Mannerisms Since they are paeple of few words and tend to just smile or nod, umbri are often assumed to be aloof or ditzy (the latter especially when they do speak). The reality is they are extremely laid back, low-maintenance, and of generally cheerful disposition. When greeting one another, umbri extend their long, thin tendrils toward each other to better read the chemical messages being sent. Hand gestures are a new and interesting concept for them. Umbri do not sing nor do they have a robust "oral" tradition. They are, however, graceful dancers. [10:48 AM] IV. History A. Leadership Umbri have no centralized leadership. The only time they gather in large numbers is for Blooms or Moon Viewings. Otherwise, they lead fairly solitary lives. A small percentage of the population form groups, called smacks, of 3-7 individuals. Smacks are usually comprised of a single family (a pair or throuple of parents and their offspring) unit.

B. Sociability It is easy to assume that, because they very often live and travel alone, umbri are anti- or asocial. However, their unique communication style is rich with detail and layered nuance. They are very sensitive to familial ties, seeking out relations during Moon Viewings and actively avoiding them for Blooms. Blooms are gatherings specifically with the intent to get all the eligible adult umbri together so they can pair off and reproduce. Umbri that belong to smacks tend to have better success in hunting, taking turns between "herding" prey by expelling jets of water from their mouth to push them in a particular direction and hunting by drifting through the middle of the gathered prey. Umbri have been known to make pets of small creatures (like crabs and urchins) that hide in their bells or among their tentacles. These pets are prized for their cleverness.

C. Religion Umbri do not have an organized religion, but they do believe in The Great Current of Life. Many who were present for it view Queen Tariel's Call as a message from the Current to change their life's direction. Given the importance of light to their communication, umbri have a particular fascination with the moon. On nights when the moon is full, especially during the warm summer months, umbri will swarm to the surface for a Moon Viewing, luminesce, and dance in the moonlight.

D. Queen Tariel's Call When the umbri felt the Call, contrary to their usually easy-going natures, many of them took the most direct path possible to Alu Spring where they were cordially welcomed by the residents and their new Monarch. The shallows of Tuatha'ri Lake are nearly perfect conditions for Blooms. While a few have found a satisfying niche to fill, many umbri do not care for the rigid schedule of palace life. Close proximity to other naiad types has also been problematic and there have been several incidents of accidental stings. [10:48 AM] Racial Abilities • Venomous Sting - All umbri have venomous stinging cells in their tentacles with the highest concentrations being found at the very ends. The venom is non-fatal, but causes painful burning irritation wherever it comes in contact. This pain is enough to stun small prey animals, but only deters larger creatures like ocean predators and other pae. Umbri are immune to their own, and others of their species', venom.