
From Telrunya Online Wiki

I. General Characteristics A. Physical Appearance Size They are typically smaller than the average Naiad, but with longer tails - they have a similar total length from head to toe. Occasionally a female will grow larger than their peers in adulthood; these females are considered to have been blessed by the Spirits to become Mothers - the caretakers of the younger generations. Shape They tend towards the thin and willowy, almost kelp-like. The thinness of one's tail and the ease of its movements through the shallow waters of their home is a common source of pride. They're typically narrow-waisted due to the effects of their method of swimming (obliques and all that) with small breasts and rears; larger hips on a female is considered a sign of good health and fertility. Color Greens, browns, and dark, neutral hues are their most common colors and best for camouflaging in their preferred environments. Brightly-colored individuals are rare and not particularly well-received. Typical patterns include speckling and mottling to mimic natural shadow and light patterns. Individuals tend to self-sort into their social groups based on their coloration. Features Their dorsal and anal fins are fused with the caudal fin, forming a single ribbon running along much of the length - they're capable of conducting the species' signature electricity! Rarely, an individual may be born with an additional set of pectoral fins. They have a natural, remarkable upper body and grip strength, which allows them to even climb against the current of waterfalls should they desire to do so. Their only means of movement on land is to drag their bodies with their forearms in a 'low-crawl' sort of movement. B. Mental Capabilities (edited)

1 [5:22 PM] II. Habitat A. Geographic Location Predominantly the ocean shallows near an unnamed island's freshwater confluence. Adults live in these shallows, while young temporarily live in the safer inland freshwater to mature. They prefer areas with thick water vegetation within which they can hide if necessary (plus its delicious!). They rarely venture into the open ocean. B. Climate Needs They prefer brackish and marine areas close to coastlines, particularly those with large amounts of kelp, sand, mud, or rocks to turn into shelter. C. Home Needs They live in individual holes and crevices in the ocean shallows until they've found a successful mate, after which the female will move to cohabitate with the male.


[5:22 PM] III. Life Behaviors A. Diet Plant heavy. Kelps, sea grapes, small fish, crustaceans, and other aquatic creatures found in the shallows. Occasionally they are able to catch a bird, which is a cause of celebration. Food is typically consumed raw with the only preparation being scaling, deboning, and cutting B. Mating Fertility occurs annually for a week in the early spring, once inland waters grow warm and comfortable. Individuals will instinctively seek others of the opposite sex with whom to reproduce at this time, with unpaired males using their wit and humor to court unpaired females. While it is rare for individuals to pair multiple times during this limited fertility window, it is possible and a source of pride for successful males. It is scandelous for females to be caught mating with more than one male, but it does happen. New pairs who are successful in conceiving are considered to have received the Waters' blessings toward their union and are to become a monogamous breeding pair thereafter. They generally begin cohabitation during pregnancy. Unsuccessful pairs are conversely considered to have not received these blessings and are to refrain from future breeding attempts. It is a significant social taboo to disregard the Spirits' decision and resulting societal expectations. Monogamy in this society refers explicitly to breeding during the limited fertility window for the purposes of procreation - it is not considered straying to copulate with whomever one wishes at any other time. While perhaps a bit socially unusual, some may find themselves with both an emotional partner and a different mating partner. Mothers cannot reproduce - the hormones that cause them to grow in size also render them sterile.


[5:23 PM] C. Raising Young Once the year's young have been born, they are taken to warmer, freshwaters inland to be raised by the Mothers until they receive their Spirits-given electricity as teenagers. Standard curriculum, including water glyphs and standard life skills, is taught. The cohort returns en masse once all have received their electricity, and they are assigned jobs based on the affinities and Spirits-given talents displayed during their schooling. D. Sleep Pattern Nocturnal. E. Movement They swim by using horizontal movements to generate waves that travel the length of their bodies. They can swim backward by reversing the direction of the wave. F. Sound Not particularly loud or quiet in tone, but very expressive in the intonation of their words. Much of their communication is implicitly done via these tones and wordplay, oftentimes with hidden meanings. G. Mannerisms This is a mischievous bunch. They'll smile this fake smile and suddenly all the jewelry on your person is gone. Their speech is like an oil spill you keep sliding down until you've given them your birthright- not because they need it, but because they find enjoyment in it. Don't worry, you'll eventually get your stuff back. They're pranksters, not thieves.


[5:23 PM] And a little history about them. Like what is their leadership like, do they even have it? Is it a pod or school life style? Are they solitary or social? They're a devout people, trusting in the Spirits to guide them in their lives to become the versions of themselves they're meant to be. The Spirits 'speak' to the Anago through their Mothers so that each individual receives the perfect role for them. Their outlook on life tends to be quite passive and fatalistic, as what is meant to happen is simply what will happen by the will of the Spirits. The Mothers are the implied spiritual and political leaders of the Anago, but Spirits-found natural leaders may be assigned roles as such. To go against the Mothers is to forsake Their (the Spirits') blessings. When they learn of Tariel's connection to the Water Spirit, they will be deeply moved. Their sociability varies by individual, but they generally prefer the company of others.


April 23, 2024

Daisicle — 04/23/2024 9:02 AM Racial Abilities Anago have remarkable climbing abilities, capable of even scaling waterfalls with upper body and grip strength alone. Anago are particularly suited to rapid changes in water temperature, salinity, and oxygen content, even among other naiad. Anago have electroreceptors in their head to 'see' the world around them in the dark. They have smooth, scaleless skin.