Lucandria, Land of the Forgotten Miakis
In ancient times, during the Great War, Templa, the Queen of the Miakis, self-destructed and imploded in an attempt to save the last of her people.
Who are the Miakis
Among the first pae to live in the land of Telrunya, Miakis were the third and most magically powerful. They held domain over the aether, sometimes called void, because they mastered spatial manipulation.
They were led by the powerful Queen Templa and lived in a structure they called, The Hive. It was their temple and their home. On the outside, it was a beautiful white, ten-foot spiral. On the inside, it was a vast and lively community of Miakis and other elementals.
Miakis had big, beautiful wings in many colors and shapes, which was their kind's hallmark. They were most aligned with magic and things not of this world.
The descendants of the original survivors call themselves Mika, to set themselves apart from the original elders that sacrificed their lives for the sake of their survival. The name Miakis evokes a sense of pride, sorrow and reverence. The name is sacred.
The Great Implosion
The miakis had only just completed the ritual to hide the Book of Transcendence when the powerful blood pae army descended. In a last-ditch effort to save her beloved people from extinction, the miakis queen went to the nursery and sent all of the seeds and young, as well as her Second, Astralis Lucandria the aethermancer, to another plane to preserve their kind. The Blood Pae Army was eradicating all elementals, and they had already killed nearly all the naiad and faun so far.
When the blood pae army reached her location, Templa built up as much aether energy as she could and imploded, sending Lucandria, the young miakis and whoever stood in the blast range to another realm. She hoped the Sila and Dracian would have more time to prepare as the blood pae army regrouped from the tragic loss of soldiers.
On the Other Side
The other realm, sometimes called the astral plane, is called Aynurlet. There are three islands in Aynurlet. The island the lost miakis settled on is named Lucandria, after the miakis that saved them all.
Modern Day Miakis
The ancient miakis exist no more. They have been living on an island in Aynurlet for 5 ages (5,000 years). They have evolved and changed over the centuries so they no longer resemble the miakis of old, but now look like Telrunya's fae pae. They call themselves the Mika.
- Why fae pae?
- After the generals of the Blood Pae army successfully eradicated all of the elementals, they ascended to become the Guardians of Angels and Demons. For centuries they watched over their own and provided for them. After so many ages, the guardians grew angry with their children and created the fae to act as mediators between the warring angels and demons.
- Guardians Created fae?
- They found a way to bind a pae body to an idea that exists on the astral plane, to give it a soul. So while they claimed that was the only way it would keep them in Telrunya, the truth of the matter is that they stole baby miakis from Lucandria, and claimed to have made them as fae.
- Fae are miakis!
- This means there will be no more new fae on Telrunya, except next-gen. They will all be mika!
Lucandria Setting Rules
The island is run by the five Dukes & Duchesses They each have full say over their Duchy, but must meet with the others concerning the island as a whole. Mika leaders are the top of the leadership hierarchy, with Queens as social top hierarchy. A Queen elevates the whole family and they themselves are welcome to live in the inner city after the queens term.
Mika with high magic affinity have the chance at Queendom with those having lower affinity don't have a chance at queendom. Any Pae not a Mika are the lowest in the social structure. Most of these make up the working class.
Aquilaris is ruled over by Duchess Nomia. This land is in charge of all of the water and marine life on the island and it's their responsibility that all citizens have clean drinking water, and all laws related to the rivers and canals are followed and not abused. Refrigeration and other coolant mana stones are charged here.
Terra is ruled over by Duke Daeron. This is the agricultural center of the island where most food is cultivated. They have the responsibility to ensure all citizens have nutritious food, as well as making sure that all natural resources are responsibly harvested and replenished when possible. They also provide medicinal herbs as well as charging mana stones with force magic.
Breezehaven is ruled over by Duchess Kethara. This land is tasked with controlling the airways, weather and ensuring breathable air is available for all. They also provide electricity to the cities via wind turbines. Electricity mana stones are charged here.
Bulnoriya is ruled over by Duke Locian. This land is the source of minerals, gems mana stones and ore. The citizens work in mines. The mountains are located here, and the duchy is responsible for safety, and maintaining the caves. They mine the mana stones, they also charge all the mana stones for heat. The prison is located here.
Apión is ruled by Duchess Nienna. This land is the land of magic and knowledge. They are mystical and sometimes dark because they deal in all manner of magic, including dark magic. This land is responsible for the fair use of magic, and to ensure it is not abused. They also refine the mana stones, and charge the magic ones.
In the center of the island is a big castle where the queen lives. The queen is responsible for charging the crystal during her five year rule. Queens are selected every five years, from a different duchy each term.
'The Wilds The area surrounding the outside of the island. This is where the wildkin live. Wildkin include harpies, naga, selkie, merfolk, sphinx, lycans
Creation Lore
This new land was not connected to Telrunya anymore, so the magic had been cut off. In order to ensure the survival of her paeple, the miakis leader started charging a crystal with her life force and magic. This crystal is located in the castle in the middle of the island.
After a while, she found that she was aging. Pae haven't been known to age. But by using her life force to power up the crystal, she'd used up nearly her whole life. Along with the five original dukes and duchesses, they devised a plan, and a way to keep the crystal charged.
A mika is chosen from one duchy to become the queen. The queen will charge the crystal for five years, just long enough that it won't take her whole life force. The queen will live in the palace in the middle of the island, living a life of luxury. Upon retirement, the queen will become a noble and be set for life. Their whole family will be included and they can move to the capital of their duchy and receive a lifetime payment. Queens are revered and respected for having served the paeple and land.
The queen can be any gender. After ten years, any former queen can become queen again. It takes ten years to recover.
Tech & Innovation
- Windmills & Water Wheels provide unlimited electricity. So the inner city nobles have lights, running water, and refrigeration.
- Outer city uses basic metered electricity and water. Refrigeration is expensive so not all homes have it.
- The Wilds still live off of wells, candles, basic dark age stuff.
- Electric tracks to move goods around the duchies and from the mines to manufacturers.
- The mines have mana stones that are extremely valuable resources.
Economy & Trade
- Bulnoriya: Lumber, metal, smelting, mana stone mining, mana stone charging for heat
- Terra: Lumber, fruits, vegetables, grains, herbs, animals, mana stone charging for gravity/force magic
- Aquilaris: Water, fish, pearls, mana stone charging for cold
- Breezehaven: Electricity, sky fruit, sky herbs, airships, mana stone charging for electricity
- Apión: Educators, mana stone refinement & selling, knowledge
Lucandria Conflicts & Politics
The duchies are on good terms though tension has happen due to differences in ideals. We are open to two Duchies having petty tension over border disputes, resources, electricity or water rights, and feelings on non-mika. But war is not in the future for Lucandria.
Fauna & Flora
- Aquatic animals
- Deer, rabbit, squirrel, other small animals to hunt or farm
- Deer are the prime source of meat. They are kept, bred, and butchered like cows
- Nutrient rich farmland growing basic vegetables and fruits
- Natural fruit bushes, sky fruit trees, nut trees
- They believe in all the elements with Apión as the most prominent.
- Most priests and religious stuff come out of Apión duchy because of this.
- Even though Apión is the most prominent, each tribe knows its importance in keeping the elemental balance so none feel lesser than the next.
- Though some Pae can totally go hard for their element.
Environmental Factors
- Astralis created a dome like structure around the island in order to make it as much like Telrunya as possible
- It has a light source as well as evaporation/humidity that can create clouds and rain.
- Not much else weather like happens. No snow, natural disasters, or anything of the like. Just rain and sunshine for this bunch.
Art, Literature, & Entertainment
Since this group was pulled in from Telrunya they had to start from scratch. Many wrote books and things on what they could remember. Most of this is kept in a special library in Apión duchy. Apión has the most vast library on different subjects where a lot of the tribes keep more records of things that pertain to them. For example, Breezehaven would have windmill documentation to building and maintaining, Aquilaris for healthy water distribution, etc. So more of the tribes have practical literature other than the educational kind for their schools
- Noble entertainment: Stage dramas, art galleries, sports, social events (tea parties, balls, etc.)
- Commoner entertainment: sports, social events, wildkin fighting
Transportation & Infrastructure
- Most personal travel is conducted by portals
- Goods are transported via transport carts on electric rails
- Middle of the city is the Queen tower. Queen and staff live here.
- Surrounding the Queen tower is the inner city where the nobles and their families live- only those who are retired Queens who have chosen to move. This space is lavish and rich in decor. *Electricity and high tech is available for all nobles. Others have to pay for it.
- Outside of this is the rest of the city where all Fae live called the Outer City. The closer to the inner city the richer and more lavish the space is- some having electricity and tech while the further out lives less modern with no electricity, running water or access to mana stones.
- There is no tech in The Wilds
Astralis Lucandria is the name of the aethermancer that went to Aynurlet. The island was named after her.
Role-play Notes
- Each duchy runs like an independent country.
- Players can pick which duchy they want their fae to live in, and they will receive the wings of that duchy.
- Only fae, mika, and wildkin are allowed to live on Lucandria. If an angel or demon goes there, they can be caught and sent to prison, where they will be processed and sent to the island where Raks and Fallen live.
- Wildkin, which includes Harpies, Naga, Lycans, Selkie, Merfolk and Sphynx, can travel back and forth, but in Lucandria, they have to stay in the Wilds to avoid capture and forced labor.
- Not all wildkin are subjugated. In Aquarilis for example, Merfolk are respected performers in some locations.
- Residents of Aynurlet don't know they live in a "fake" world, so do not break the fourth wall and have your mika, rak, fallen, or celestial know that their world is fake.
- Trade routes are allowed if Duke Locien approves the use of the portal to be used as such.