
From Telrunya Online Wiki


The Elemental Fire Duchy

The home of the Fire Mika.

General Information

Name of the Duchy
Bulnoriya, aka Fire country
Ruler’s Name and Title
Locien, Duke of Bulnoriya protector of the Realm
“Birth from the Ashes”
Coat of Arms
Roaring dragons on a red flooded shield. Crossed Swords and a crown in Silver and gold.
Crest on Red field.
Ruling Family
Other Notable Family Members
None, single child, no spare (oops). Parents passed. Locien’s mother died in sickness when he was young and his father ruled as best he could, though in an altercation was killed by the aggressor leaving Locien in charge at a young unprepared age. Due to that, he is very close with his adviser and pet Lycans.

2. Geography

North Eastern section of Lucandria, Apión to the South and Aquilaris to the West.

Major Cities and Towns:


A crater town on the edge of the lava banks, it is extremely hot in this time and water is scarce and needs to be sourced in, pumped through tunnels its an expensive commodity. Houses are built from wood and marble and often kept cool with a rudimentary air conditioning powered by Electric crystals that are imported. Every Fireside resident that pays taxes to the duke receives an allotment of crystals for the year they can pick up at the manor house. Most fae cant make time for the trip and end up buying them anyway.

The Edge

A city on the edge of the island. A great place for risk takers as one wrong step and they could end up gone… but also it is home to some of the most notorious criminals. The Prison is located there.

The Quarry

Not a city so much but a settled area of workers. These areas tend to be a little more rustic than the other area.

The Docks

The docks are where the trade ships land and naturally a small town built up around it.

      Mountains: The Rough Rocks, The majority of the mountains are in Bulnoriya, and they do make use of them. Rock climbing is a big pastime for a lot of the Bulnoriya Fae. 
      Forests: Unnamed woods scattered about
      Rivers/Lakes: Only main canal that splits from Void. Small hot springs scatter the foothills but are filled with minerals and taste awful, their main water source is pulling from the canal, in the manor house the water is filtered, farther out the water isnt filtered and is harder to come by, as such Bulnoriya pae have adapted a bit to be more drought resistant. (Sweating less, need to consume less water…etc)
      Coastline: Rocky banks along the main river routes. 
      Plains/Farmlands: Small farms are set where possible but the rocky ground is almost impossible to grow anything substantial. As such animal farms are common on the outskirts of all towns. Water privileges are granted by farms that pay taxes or supply the manor house.   
      Other Notable Features: Lava rivers, Marble quarry and Lava glass fields. 
  Climate: Temperate the closer to the manor house you get but closer to the magma fields it turns dusty and desert like. In general it tends to be warmer than the other places on the island due to magma running below the surface. 
      Typical Weather: Humid but not rainy, Sunny. Aka not the best but livable. Rain does happen in the “wet season” and all Bulnoriyan fae are required to collect water, even the Duke puts up a rain collector.  
      Seasonal Variations: Very little, it cools off in “winter/wet season” but never to the point of ice or snow.

3. Economy

 Primary Industries:
      Agriculture: Meat. Most crops are imported as nothing much grows on the land where magma burns their roots away. Its dusty a lot and while coarse grass and cactus grow its only really good for growing livestock.
      Mining: Iron and obsidian and Marble. In the Quarry they slice away marble slabs to export and build with. Iron ore is also found higher in the mountains. Obsidian and Lava glass can be harvested by the magma fields. 
      Manufacturing: Glass, With lots of dirt and lava glass, they are the biggest exporter of glass.  Steel Weapons are forged by talented smiths and are shipped to other duchys. Raw Iron is also shipped out. Anything made of Marble, all marble is sourced in Bulnoriya.
      Trade: Primarily by Airship and the Canal, though there are carriage traders that pass through, with how inhospitable the land is, few travel very far out.. 
      Other Industries: Hot springs and spas as well as glass blowing and art. Art is very precious to these fae in all forms.
       Hot Springs are natural forming and many pae come to the dukedom to relax and to revive themselves. The springs are out away from the manor house in the outlands and thus there is a shuttle that takes pae out and brings them back.
       Glass Blowing is a cultural thing passed through families in a similar way as metal working. Most if not all Bulnoriya pae are skilled in Glass blowing. 
       Sculpting/Painting is an expression of emotion and while pae on the outskirts dont get much chance to follow artistic passions like this art is a thing that is cherished by all.                
       Naturally talented artists from the outskirts are some times “adopted” by a more prestigious family and “moved” to the city to be allowed to pursue their talents. 
  Major Exports: Glass, Meat, Marble, Metals, Art, Slaves
  Major Imports: Water, Electricity, Farm grown Crops, Lumber, energy crystals. 
  Currency: Lucaria Crowns
  Trade Routes:
      Land Routes: Yes
      Sea Routes: Canals
      Trade Partners: All other groups to some extent as long as they stay in good graces. 

4. Society and Culture

 Population: 600,000s
      Total Population: Mikas, Naga, Lycan, Sphinx
      Major Ethnic Groups: Bulnoriya Fae (Majority, Lycan Packs in the woods, Harpies in the mountains. Selkies and mermaids in the canals, Nagas in the wilds.  
      Languages Spoken: Ancient Fae “Lucarian”- Bulnoriyan Dialect?
      Major Schools: The Manor house has an educator who teaches the privileged but those in the outlands tend to only be taught by their parents.
      Literacy Rate: 100% at the manor house, 20% in the outlands
  Cultural Heritage:
      Traditional Music/Dance: Yes, they have many dancers. Entertainment is a big part of their art and dance ranges from suggestive to scripted. But being a dancer carries high rank in the Manor house and if you are chosen as an entertainer for the duke you are set for life. 
      Cuisine: Smoked meat and meat rich dishes are common. Berries and other hearty plant based meals can be common. More luxury can be found in the Manor house, where they have the imported goods. 
      Art and Architecture: Dance and music but they also love sculptures there are marble and granite sculptures can be found all through the main city and manor house. 
      Ageing Ceremonies: The Bulnoriya fae when they grow from Teen to Adult (age wise OC) they are instructed to craft their own metallic wing guards. These wing guards must be crafted to perfection… and each fae is taught what they will need to make those wing guards. While the fae in the country are usually paired with mentors, a lot of rich families buy their children their Wing guards. Although it is known, most people ignore the blatant show of wealth.  

5. Governance and Law

 Legal System:
      Common Laws:Dont kill anyone, dont steal, dont damage others property. Dont destroy the land that supports us. Basically be a good pae. 
      Judicial System: The Duke’s word is law. And he carries out judgements. I hope you catch him on a good day.
  Military: The Manor Guard- A highly trained well filled team and very much a force like the police should be. They keep watch of the manor house and the families that live there. As well as have localized stations out in the other towns.
       Personal Guard- The Duke’s select few guards. Hand picked by the duke himself. 
  Alliances and Rivalries:
      Allies: Breezehaven, Apión
      Rivals: Aqualaris - the nerds are too stingy with their water

6. History

 Founding: Established as one of the original duchies of Lucandria
  Major Historical Events:
      Event Name: Eruption of the lava fields. 
      Description: When the lava sprung from the ground to forever run. 
  Notable Historical Figures: No
  Historical Conflicts:

7. Infrastructure

      Roads: Yes
      Other Means of Transportation:
  Public Services:
      Healthcare:Health spas double as medical centers for the outland, a staff of medical trained Bulnoriyan Fae are at the manor house for the needs of the privileged.
      Education:See above
      Security:See above
      Postal System: 

8. Notable Landmarks

 Castles/Palaces: The manor house
  Natural Wonders: Hot springs, Lava fields, Marble Cliffs, the Mountains
  Museums: In the Manor house there is a small room dedicated to important relics, they technically belong to the duke.. But he claims them as Bulnoriya items. 
  Other Points of Interest: The bathhouse. Rustic but high end it is frequented by pae looking to get away from the bustle. 

9. Miscellaneous

 Local Legends and Myths: 

  Famous Personalities:
  Recent Developments

Fire Pae Racials:

    -Slicing power that allows them to cut slabs of rock off the quarry and such. 
    -Sharper teeth, while not able to use them like a predator, among the other fae they seem to have more pointed teeth, maybe its all the meat they eat. 
    - Drought resistant. -Don't sweat nearly  at all, need to take in less water than other fae. Rougher skin from the less water intake.