Fae were born of the Guardians. Fae were born of magic. Most of all Fae were born of the life and energy that a story takes on after it is retold through the generations.
In the years following the Great War, the whereabouts of the Book of Transcendence were unknown save a few salvaged pages. One of the pages recovered by the Guardians contained half of the instructions to create new life. They had all the necessary ingredients but lacked the spark necessary to make their creations anything more than living puppets.
In their attempt to create an army to ward off the prophecy of impending doom, the Guardians toiled at making their own Pae'il soldiers. Even combined their magicks did nothing to breathe essence into these beings.
In a last-ditch effort, the Guardian Medea decided to mix in some Mellon essence and the life energy from a popular Pae'il fairy tale. From this, the first Fae emerged, its soul interwoven with the fable.
These fae folk were too fragile to be soldiers. The magic itself was so involved that it made the breed rare. Determined to utilize the Fae, the Guardians sent them to Telrunya to mediate between the then-warring Angel and Demon Factions. Their failure resulted in the Great Sundering, ushering in a dark time on Telrunya.
With the dawning of the Fifth Age, the Fae have once again become active citizens of the Isle.
Fae are magic Pae'il but share the same basic biological makeup as Angels and Demons. They are flesh, bone, and blood, even similar to humans.
All Pae'il are magical and possess the magical energy required to utilize that magic. Pae'il have an energy source called Aika. Ai is the magic of The Light, and ka is the magic of the Dark. Elemental magic is a more raw version of that lifeforce energy. Fae tap into that energy source to use their magic and abilities. It is not unlimited, so a Fae must rest or find a way to replenish their energy before being able to cast another spell.
Pae'il have souls. Pae'il can be reincarnated, but not all are. The connection to their past self has to be discovered through long, arduous questing. No pae'il will know who they used to be without effort, although some may find certain things familiar, or certain triggers may unlock brief memories of the past. Fae are connected to their stories. They were created to be neither particularly good or evil. In some Fae this can manifest itself as a zealous fervor in opinion and belief, in others a more bipolar nature. Fae tend to be more powerful than their Angel and Demon counterparts and can sometimes become arrogant of their elevated status. When a Fae dies, his body will become a statue to be housed in the Hall of Lost Souls until fate causes the statue to crack, releasing the soul for reincarnation.
Fae are magic and can take on different characteristics and powers based on their story influence. Fae have wings made of translucent membrane. Though they look fragile, the wings are strong and can carry the Pae'il in flight. Since the resurgence of the Elemental Pae'il, Fae have been reportedly sporting antennae. If the Guardians know why this is happening, they are not talking. Fae bleed red, like all Pae'il. Fae can die. ((For RP purposes, you have to clear this with Antidia or Teigra first, otherwise your Pae is assumed to be in the limbo state in the Hall of Lost Souls.)) Fae, like all Pae'il, have lips, mouths, and noses. They are just not visible on the official cert art. Fae are more physically fragile than the other breeds of Pae'il. Fae offspring are not based on their own individual story, but in the spirit of good storytelling their stories are an intertwining of their parents' tales
These are the different types of fae found on Telrunya
Telrunya is home to many kinds of fairies, which are small, chopstick-sized humanoids that inhabited the island during the Third Age. They are not to be mistaken for Fae Pae. Fairies that bond with pae, and grant powers to them are called Mellons.
- Known types
- Avalon Fairies - most abundant on the island
- Aquatls - water fairies
- Mountain - hearty, bearded fairies