The Elements

From Telrunya Online Wiki
Revision as of 21:23, 31 March 2024 by Antidia (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==Earth== Faun and their ilk represent the element of earth. ==Water== Naiad and their ilk represent the element of water ==Magic== Miakis and their ilk represent the element of magic ==Air== Sila and their ilk represent the element of air. ==Fire== Dracian and their ilk represent the element of fire. ==Light== Angels and their ilk represent the element of light. ==Dark== Demons and their ilk represent the element of shadow.")
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Faun and their ilk represent the element of earth.


Naiad and their ilk represent the element of water


Miakis and their ilk represent the element of magic


Sila and their ilk represent the element of air.


Dracian and their ilk represent the element of fire.


Angels and their ilk represent the element of light.


Demons and their ilk represent the element of shadow.