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Earth is one of the five crucial elements which keeps Telrunya alive. Earth is the foundation of all life, providing the soil in which all Pae'il walk, grow their food, and connect to nature. Faun believe the element of Earth has manifested as the Tree of Life, Laisidhiel, and is alive and caring for the entire island.

The Earth Element exists as a sapling hidden inside Laisidhiel which is protected by a magical doorway only a tiny handful of Faun are able to open. The entrance is behind Rais' dais, cleverly hidden as a woodcarving mural of all five elements. The sapling creates dew which falls from the tender leaves and is collected in a small pool built into the floor that surrounds the sapling. This dew is a potent concentration of earth magics and is used by the Seer Vanya, Earthmother, and Chief Rais. Rais' most important duty as Chief is to protect this sapling, the Earth Element. This sapling is fragile, and only one part of a highly sought-after item. Very few living Pae'il know of this item.

Earth as an Energy Source

Earth represents those things that are rigid and solid in this world. Pae'il with earth affinities are often stubborn, and highly resistant to movement or change. They are seen as confident Pae'il within society, though part of this confidence is merely that resistance to change, a desire for things to remain as they are.

Faun draw their power from the Earth. As long as they are among nature, they are connected to their energy source.

Ancient Name: Chi
Season: Winter
Colors: Brown and Green
Magical Tools: Staves
Correspondence: Strength, Stability, and Abundance
Attributes: Patience, Hard work, Thoughtfulness, Nurturing, Stubbornness
Animals: Bear, stag, canine, rabbits
Mythical Associations: Golems, Satyrs, Sylvans (tree spirits)
Rituals: sacrifice via fire, runes, burying items in the ground, carving images into wood, herbalism, blood offering (for seers only)



Faun were born of the Earth Element, and are all children of the Great Tree, Laisidhiel. They grow inside special Acorns, to hatch when the time is right.

Faun are primeval Pae'il, but they share the same basic biological make-up as Angels, Demons, and Faeries. They are flesh, bone, and blood, even similar to humans.

All Pae'il are magical and possess the energy required to utilize that magic. Pae'il have an energy source called Aika. Ai is the magic of The Light, and ka is the magic of the Dark. Elemental magic is a more raw version of that lifeforce energy. Faun tap into that energy source to use their abilities. It is not unlimited, so a Faun must rest or find a way to replenish their energy before being able to cast another spell.


Pae'il have souls. Pae'il can be reincarnated, but not all are. The connection to their past self has to be discovered through long, arduous questing. No pae'il will know who they used to be without effort, although some may find certain things familiar, or certain triggers may unlock brief memories of the past. Faun are connected to nature, particularly to the trees. Tree spirits choose to bless certain Faun, and take them under their protection. A Faun's branch antlers will reflect which tree spirit, if any, has chosen them. Most Faun are under the protection of Laisidhiel by default. When a Faun dies, his fur will fade to grey and his body will lay where it landed for three days until it turns to earth. In its place, special flowers will sprout, followed by a sapling of the type of tree that Faun belonged to. Their soul will remain in the spirit world until they are reborn or Called. Spirit Healers can also escort a newly departed soul back to it's body provided it hasn't returned to the earth. Faun believe all living things have spirits. Spirits differ from souls in that spirits are eternal and living in the spirit world. It takes a medium (Seer or someone with equal gifts) to communicate with them. All Faun can give offerings to please the spirits, and they look for signs to see that the spirits are pleased. A soul is what you call a spirit that has a mortal body. (So when a Faun passes, he becomes a spirit until he's reborn.)


Faun are organic and influenced by the environment. Their appearance can alter depending on their surroundings.
Faun have antlers that are made of living tree branches. Sometimes, those branches will be of a fruit or nut tree, and the produce is edible and healthy.
Faun are covered in fur, from head to hoof. The closer to the head, however, the finer the fur.
Faun bleed red, like all Pae'il.
Faun can die. ((For RP purposes, you have to clear this with a member of Staff first, otherwise your Pae is assumed to be in the limbo state in the Hall of Lost Souls.))
Faun, like all Pae'il, have lips, mouths, and noses. They are just not visible on the official cert art.
Faun have little deer-like tails by default.
Faun are the shortest of the known Pae'il breeds, and are the heartiest, tending to weigh just a bit more, and the females are a bit more rounded in stature.


Faun are rooted in traditions.
Faun know how to live off the land, and prefer to live that way.
Faun males take the role of protecting their females, sprouts, and the Tree very seriously.

Only Faun are welcome to live inside Laisidhiel. There are hundreds of nooks available.

Any Pae can now pledge fealty to the Earth and become a part of their society.
It is advised for Faun to reside in the Tree, for safety reasons, however, they are free to live where ever they choose.

Tree Life

Life in the tree is very informal, however, there is a schedule and set protocol for some activities.
Lunch and Dinner are served in the Great Hall at noon and sundown respectively. All Faun are welcome, and there is plenty of room and food for all.
The kitchen is closed all other times, but there is a Pub open 24 hours for recreation and partaking of the Faun brews.
Rais addresses all Faun from his dais when there is important information to be delivered. It is assumed all Faun are present for this or hear word of it.
Any Faun not born in the Tree may seek out the Tree Shaper, Takis, and have him create a nook for them if none of the available ones are suitable. Faun may also contact him for expanding their nook when their family grows.

Circle Life

Rais is the Chief. He is to be respected and revered as the ultimate authority of all Faun. He has no dominion over other types but is due respect for his position by all Pae'il, even non-Faun. Rais' Circle refers to the group of Faun entrusted with the responsibility to help lead and teach all Faun. The Inner Circle is the five Faun who are closest to the Chief and have the authority to act without direct permission over their assigned duties. The Outer Circle is the second level of authority working under the Inner Circle to ensure all Faun are taken care of. Circle business is conducted behind closed doors, with all Faun on a need-to-know basis.

Typical Jobs

Gatherers (aid in gathering food)
Rangers (soldiers)
Gardeners (tend to the unhatched acorns)
Harvesters (tend to the acorns that are close to hatching)
Tree Tenders (tend to infant faun in the Garden)
Pathfinders (explorers, cartographers, and spies)

Religious & Moral Views

Faun are very spiritual creatures, revering Laisidhiel as their "Mother" and giver of life. They believe all trees are sacred and spend their lives nurturing their relationship with nature. They believe in Guiding Spirits, which are nature spirits that will guide them through life, and help them with difficult decisions. All Faun are children of Laisidhiel, the Tree of Life. Sometimes, special individuals will be called upon by another sacred tree to receive additional blessings. When this happens, there is a ceremony in which that faun offers a sacrifice of a living twig from the chosen tree and their soul becomes forever bonded to the sacred tree. This is also a blessing that can be passed on to their children. Being a part of another sacred tree's clan is a very special honor that not all Faun will experience. It comes with a duty and responsibility unique to each tree. Reverence for nature is key in Faun culture. It is considered taboo to speak ill of Faun leadership or those who have passed, and superstition states that whoever spoke ill will be cursed.


Faun is a patriarchal society led by a Chief and his Inner Circle. Leadership is a birthright, with the first-born son inheriting the mantle of Chief upon death of his father. The line of succession will always go to males, and if the chief does not have a male heir, the mantle goes to the Adviser.

When the Ancients fell in the Great War, Earthmother saved as many acorns as she could, so when Laisidhiel went into defense mode and hid, she could take care of the survivors until they hatched. Faun have been thriving inside the isolated tree for centuries in a self-contained environment. When Telrunya landed in the sea, and the Tree settled beside the island, they were introduced to their homeland for the first time. Despite this being their first glimpse of island life, Faun had a thriving society inside the Tree with everything they required for survival and success.

Inside Laisidhiel is a large banquet hall where all Faun are invited for meal time every day. There is an apartment, or nook, available for any Faun who wishes to live inside the Tree (Living that close to the Tree of Life has it's benefits to Faun health and vitality). It is safe in the Tree and Faun are protected. The Boughs provide a refuge for those Fauns who seek the outdoors, but still want the safety of the Tree.

Faun enjoy a good brew, and there is a pub inside the Tree where all Faun are welcome.

Women among the Faun society hold the teaching and healing positions while the men do the hunting and heavy work. Women are revered as life-givers, and men are respected as the protectors. It has worked for centuries, and the nature of Faun is to uphold tradition, which shows respect to their ancestors.

Faun are steeped in ritual and superstition. In order to provide protection to those who need to travel from the Tree, a wooden medallion, carved with the likeness of Laisidhiel overlaid by a pentacle and inscribed with the words of protection, "Laisidhiel I am protected by your might/Great Earth Spirit day and night" is given to every child born in the Tree. Adults who find their way to Laisidhiel will be gifted a medallion upon their welcome home.

Marriage Customs

When two Faun prepare to take the next step and be bound with the love of their life and soulmate, one Faun, generally the male, will make a journey to the top of Laisidhiel. This is a spiritual journey as well as a physical one, meant to represent their love and devotion to their future spouse, and the heights to which they would go for them. At the top of the Great Tree, Laisidhiel produces a special white blossom, nurtured by the sunlight. Upon completing his journey to the top of the Tree, the male collects a flower and descends once more. When asking his beloved to spend the rest of her life with him, the Faun presents the flower as a token of his love for her. If she accepts, the female generally wears the flower woven into her hair or branch antlers until the wedding ceremony as a sign that she is now betrothed. Through the magic of Laisidhiel and the bond the Faun share with it, the flower will neither wilt nor die so long as the Faun is faithful and the love is true.

Before the wedding ceremony can take place, the couple must seek the approval of all the elements of their union. To do so, they will both go to the sacred meeting ground to offer their prayers to the spirits. They will light five candles, one for each element, then offer their prayers asking for their blessing. If an element extinguishes the light from their candle, this signals disapproval, and the candle can never be lit again. If the element makes its presence known, but the candle stays lit, they have approved. These candles may then be blown out and collected by the couple, as they will be used again in the marriage ceremony.

The marriage ceremony is presided over by the Faun Chieftain. The actual ceremony is solemn, for the most part, full of ritual and tradition. The couple opens the ceremony by lighting the five candles blessed by the elements. When all five are lit (if any of the elements disapproved previously they will be unable to do this), then the blessing is acknowledged and the ceremony proper may begin. Then, the couple joins hands and a cord is tied around their wrists to symbolize the connection created between the two. At this point, they state their intention to be married, binding their souls together for eternity. After the handfasting, the couple is presented with a ceremonial cup, filled with a drink made from Laisidhiel's dew, which they will share, symbolizing their connection with the Tree.

The ceremony culminates with the final ritual. The couple presents two pieces of wood (carved together before the ceremony), that when fitted together, create a single flute. They take turns playing the flute, replacing traditional vows with what will become their heartsong; the song that represents their love for one another and the union that they have created. At this point, as the last notes fade, their souls are bound to one another and the ceremony is complete.

After the marriage ceremony, the Faun feast and celebrate with food and dancing into the long, late hours of the night...or sometimes the next morning.

The Garden

In ancient times, the special acorns that grew on Laisidhiel's branches would fall to the ground and hatch to reveal a newly born faun. The fall did not injure the unhatched, because faun are sturdy and tough, and the shell provided a lot of protection. Now that the faun have to be careful because the tree is sustained on her own little island, the acorns must be harvested and protected until the time they are called to hatch to prevent drowning.

The faun acorns are harvested and brought to a special Garden located on a unique bough of Laisidhiel crafted lovingly to provide a safe, nurturing, and enriching environment for young sprouts.

First-generation Faun come from an Acorn from Laisidhiel. Even those Faun who know nothing of Telrunya came from Laisidhiel in one way or another. While the island was moving to her new destination in the middle of the sea, some Acorns were scattered in the path. Lost Faun will be returning to the island all the time, finding it difficult to resist the call of the Great Tree.

Second generation faun, born from a male and female will be live-born.

When a same-gender couple wishes to expand their family, all they have to do is seek out the Gardener in the Garden Boughs and they will be led by the Earth Spirits to the special seed that was created just for them.

All Acorns grow from love and are born with the spark of Earth inside them.

Faun Hybrids

Hybrids are a mix of two different types of Pae.

Sometimes, the heart wants what the heart wants.

Faun embody the Earth element. So when they fall in love with another type of Pae'il, that Earth magic mixes with the other magic to create a unique and special little baby.

Discovered Earth Hybrids:

Faun + Angel = Light Valk
Faun + Demon = Dark Valk
Faun + Fae = Flutters
Faun + Naiad = Capricorn

Undiscovered Earth Hybrids:

Faun + Miakis = ???
Faun + Sila = ???
Faun + Dracian = ???

Faun Subtypes

When one of Laisidhiel's acorn is planted near or on a magic source, or ley line, it will grow into a tree that produces its own acorns. The acorns that come from these seeds are different types of faun, depending on the magic. The faun that would have come from that acorn should it have been allowed to hatch, is born as its Avatar. An avatar is connected to the tree physically, spiritually and emotionally. they are the living embodiment of the tree.


Fauny come from one of four trees that were lost over a potent pony-related magical source when Laisidhiel was still in the sky.

Princess Celestia - Iadhiel
Princess Luna - Ladhiel
Prince Feral Heart - Hravandhiel
Princess Cadence - Miredhiel


Flutters come from one of two seeds that were lost in a mysterious hurricane that hit the island generations ago. The magic source is the magically saturated and hallowed ground of the Fae Clearing. Due to this, Flutters can either be born of Forn Sheedhiel or Harn Sheedhiel for first generation. The second generation are hybrids with fae, so the magic is the same.

Queen Belwen - Forn Sheedhiel
Queen Alora - Harn Sheedhiel


Farun come from one of the missing seeds as well, but this one grew beside Silme (sil-may) Pond and is called Rochadhiel. Silme Pond is potent moon magic and located on a ley point. Sprites (a naiad hybrid and subspecies like flutters) also come from the magic waters. Demi-goddess Portia is the overseer of the area.



Emberkin are tainted faun that come from the tainted fire tree Feludhiel in Dragnid Forest. Their origin is the same as Flutters and Farun because the seed that became the tree was one of the lost seeds from the hurricane.


Teacup Faunies

Teacup faunies are just smaller versions of faunies. They are small because their seeds don't grow to full size. In all ways, they are a faun, with access to faun racials, powers, resources and Laisidhiel.

Tiny Reindeer

Tiny reindeer are smaller versions of faun with antlers like a reindeer. Just like teacup faunies, they are considered regular faun, just smaller in stature.