The Sphynx
Common Name
- Sphynx
Other Names
Primary Location
- Lucandria wilds
Physical Description
Average Height
- 5ft
- The are the second tallest pae, with Naiad being the first
Body Structure
- Feline features on a humanoid structure (slit cat eyes, ears, tails) Large, feathered wings.
- Long or short fur.
Distinctive Features
- Slit cat eyes, eats, tails, feathered wings.
Abilities & Powers
- Enhanced intellect, night vision, hearing & scent; always land on their feet, limber & agile, retractable claws.
Racial Abilities
- Resistant to poison
- Razor sharp claws- can help them snatch prey out from midair.
- Resistant to offensive magic.
- Analytical Precognition: They can use logic to perceive the outcomes of a situation. They may only be able to see probability, not the actual future.
- Oath Keeper: They are able to create an unbreakable oath that prevents them from sharing secrets that are divulged to them. If they attempt it, their mouths disappear for a set amount of time depending on the severity of the secret.
- Secret Stealer: With a tap of their nail to the other’s head, they can extract a secret. They don’t get a choice on what the secret is and the other won’t lose the memory of it.
- Taint (to be expanded on later), low stamina, & useless in water.
- Intercourse
Gestation Period
- One season
Average Number of Offerspring
- 2-4
Parental Care
- Toddlers are born blind and ears folded down. They are extremely vulnerable at this age.
- NOTE: Cannot breed with Harpy or Naga as they lay eggs. If a Sphynx feels the need to breed outside its species, the offspring will be whatever the mother is.
Primary Food Sources
- Carnivores
- Most food is hunted for since their diet is mostly carnivorous. Gatherers are more for resources than food sources.
Dietary Needs
- Protein & fat
Behavior & Society
- These are just guidelines as they can have any kind of personality.
- They’re clever & admire/love knowledge
- Naga & Harpies are natural enemies
- Males woo females by presenting them with their trophies. Momentous from fresh kills include: feathers, bones, fur, teeth.
- They love anything that sparkles, especially gems and jewels.
Social Structure
- The Sphynx are broken up into orders. Each order functions on its own, creating a Sanctum for them to live within. These Sanctums are magically built labyrinths. Only those born of the order understand how to navigate them.
- The Order’s leadership is built on merit. The wisest leads- having proven themselves worthy of the position.
- Age, gender, none of it matters in the face of this Meritocracy society. They honor and give wealth/status to those who earn it.
- Most use common with other Pae’il, but have their own secret language built on Glyphs within their orders. The spoken version of the glyph language isn’t verbal at all, but body language between Sphinx. Not a sign language, but one using the full body in gestures. Rising emotions can cause verbal reflections like growling, hissing, murr, etc. Different Orders have different regional dialects.
Cultural Practices
- Knowledge is the greatest gift, meaning reading, studying or other performances for bettering ones self is highly sought out.
- Forums are regularly held for those to participate in or just watch. They are multi use- for debates among members, brainstorming ideas, or even sharing some new knowledge with others.
- It is a society based on merit, everyone participates in its betterment. By holding jobs, helping others in need, etc.
- They are all about balance. Internally and externally. They seek to maintain equilibrium between thought action, and expression. Many translate this into meditation or other practices that help them feel balanced.
- Children and teenagers are required to attend primary schools or forums. No child should go without an education unless the family would like to see itself exiled.
Customs & Traditions
- Teenagers go through a right of passage ceremony where their knowledge & hunting skills are tested. (This starts them out finding their hierarchy in the society. From there they can continue to glean knowledge to climb the ranks.) Once the test is given, they must sit vigil for the whole night, reflecting on themselves, their Order, and their future.
- Teens will be assigned a mentor who will teach them hunting, higher learning, etc.
- Teens apprentice for jobs.
The Gathering
- A yearly tradition of the clans meeting in order to exchange Order updates, information, knowledge, etc. It’s the time for clans to be able to ask for help (need more healers, supplies, etc.), strengthen relations, etc.
- Their territories and Hunting Grounds are sacred to each Order. If another Order crosses their borders it can be a call for penalty.
Gathering Forum
- A special forum held during the gathering where A Sphynx can share new knowledge, debate with other Order members, or new research.
Hunting Competitions
- These can be seen within each Order, but some even held during The Gathering for all Orders to compete in.
- They have evolved from the interbreeding of Faun and Miaki when the species first found itself on Lucandria. Thanks to their environment and genes, they have become the catlike Pae they are today.
Major Historical Events
- The pure original Miaki of Lucandria now evolved into Mika, discover the wretched half breeds. How could their own kind mingle with the lesser beings? They take some into captivity, using them more so to work within their homes due to their beauty and low stamina.
Thankfully those left to the wilds start to build their own societies. Due to their great wisdom, they are able to remain hidden from the Mika as well as build thriving Orders that surpass other Wildkin.
Interaction with other Species
- Due to the Mika’s tendency to kidnap them, they try to avoid discovery. Other Wildkin are avoided, though not disliked like the Mika.
Other Information
Languages Spoken
- Common & Ancient.
Religious Beliefs
- Depending on the Order, but each holds knowledge high.
Technology Level
- Not as advanced as the Duchies, but the most advanced of the Wildkin. Some have even been known to have smuggled in mana stones to better their lives.
Tools & Weapons
- Depends on the Order. Weapons would be lighter due to their low stamina.
- Themselves- other Orders.
- Mika
Current Status
- Growing- birth rate is stable.