
From Telrunya Online Wiki

History is recorded by the victors.

Telrunya has endured a very turbulent and sordid history. Many complex and tragic events have unfolded throughout the centuries, creating countless heroes and villains who have built up, saved, and destroyed the island and her Pae'il residents.

Telrunya began as an expansive land mass in uncharted territory on Gaia. Not much is known about Telrunya during this time because many of the recorded accounts of history have been lost to war, fires, looting, plundering, and The Sundering, which shattered the island. Relics and scraps of parchments have been discovered in the ruins of many ancient structures on the modern island, and the fairy historians have tried to piece together what happened to the Pae'il's ancient ancestors.

The First War

Two accounts of this event exist. Both were recorded from different points of view. Neither is more true than the other, although both accounts have been skewed and exaggerated throughout the years as the information is passed down to the younger generations.

Account #1: This is the history of The First War, as the Blood Pae'il know it to be true.

During this war, many recorded documents were destroyed. Not much survived, and it is unknown who the foe was that threatened the Pae'il to the point of a devastating war.

Known Facts: Angels and Demons were the only types of Pae'il at this time, so they were collectively just called "Pae'il". The name "Blood Pae'il" was used to describe them in modern times, because they are "born of blood" and not an element. Twelve heroes ended the war and they eventually ascended to become The Guardians. Only the names of 10 of them are known. (This is folklore, not provable historical fact, yet)

Recovered Relics & Documents: Poem written in the ancient language. This tells the story of star-crossed lovers who met at midnight every night in a meadow. A scrap of a letter from a son to his mother, telling her to find a safe place to hide. This is also written in the lost ancient Pae'il language. An unintelligible scroll containing what is believed to be an incantation. It serves as a sample of ancient magic. Intact letter, written in the ancient language, however certain words, specifically the titles, are translatable. The letter is believed to contain the orders the Grand Lord gave to his two commanding officers, the Grand Herald and Grand Crusader, which were part of the strategy that led to the end of the war.

Account #2: This is the history of The First War, as the Ancient Elemental Pae'il know it to be true.

This was the most devastating and tragic event to ever happen in Pae'il history. There exist a few survivors of this terrible war, and they tell the story only to their own kind so that history will never repeat itself. There has been no single recorded event in the history of Telrunya with a higher casualty rate. So many innocent lives lost for selfish and greedy reasons.

Prior to this war, Pae'il -- all kinds including Blood Pae'il (Angels and Demons) and the Elementals (Faun, Naiad, Miakis, Sila and Dracian) -- lived together in the land of Telrunya in peace. Each kind of Pae'il typically kept to their own kind, as strong prejudice did exist. Each alignment (the type or breed) had their own society separate from each other, including a governing body and unique social norms.

The five leaders of the Elemental Pae'il were tasked with protecting two things: their element source, and a priceless relic. The Blood Pae'il did not possess the same type of magic, so they did not have these types of duties in their society. However, when a small group consisting of a handful of Angels and Demons learned of this unique and powerful relic the Elementals were "hiding", they grew jealous and angry. Eventually, it came to be that they felt they were the rightful caretakers and deserving of something rumored to be so powerful and took measures to acquire it.

The First War was fought over control of this powerful relic. The relic was lost, along with nearly all of the Ancient Elemental Pae'il. The few survivors eventually left the land, due to the persecution of their kind at the hands of the Angels and Demons. Those Elemental Pae'il who were tried and convicted of war crimes were either put to death or exiled from Telrunya, separated from their element and never to step foot in the magical lands again.

Known Facts: Each element -- earth, water, void, air, and fire -- is worshipped as a deity among the Ancient Elemental Pae'il. They hold their element sacred, and their powers are tied to it. They would lay their life down to protect their element, which is why so many perished in the war. Modern Elemental Pae'il born on Telrunya will not know this history. Faun will have been taught while hidden in Laisidhiel by Earthmother; however, Faun not born in the Tree would not know any of this. The only Naiad that knows this are Tariel and soon her court. Metaplot events will reveal more of this to Naiad. This information is provided for the players in case they want to play that their Pae'il knows of the history and carries the deaths of their ancestors with them. Various NPCs will know this history, and tell the stories, however it's up to the players to seek them out to learn. No Pae'il is allowed to assume they know this unless an RP Mod approves it, or they were present when another Pae'il was telling the stories (such as during Faunapalooza.)

Recovered Relics: Too many to list. Laisidhiel is home to many items and documents from this war. Alu Spring, despite being underwater, has a Naiad research center that contains items that were recovered in the temple's ruins during the magical restoration. The Miakis will have many relics, more on this after their arrival.

The First Age

_____________________The Golden Age of Pae'il

The First Age was a time of peace and prosperity for the Angels and Demons. On the heels of war, came a greater unity among the survivors. This became the Age of Intellectual Growth, and the Pae'il came in to their powers. By connecting with nature and the magical lands of Telrunya, Angels and Demons unlocked their potential.

The heroes of The First War grew to lead the Pae'il, becoming the first Elders in Telrunya's history. They discovered gifts and magic that they were able to bestow blessings on others. Madaesos the Fearless, an Angel, discovered how to bestow Paragon abilities. Strafe the Courageous, a Demon, discovered how to bestow Soulbinder powers. Eryx the Just, an Angel, discovered how to bestow Shapeshifter abilities. Tabari the Gentle, a Demon, discovered how to bestow Mastermind abilities. Arlo the Lucky, an Angel, discovered how to bestow Wild Soul abilities. Dylana the Patient, a Demon, discovered how to use the elements and bestow Stormspike powers. Liliana the Confident, an Angel, discovered how to transverse other dimensions and bestow Planeswalker abilities. Medea the Calm, a Demon, learned how to harness the Light to bestow Redeemer powers for healers. Yara the Proud, an Angel, learned how to communicate with nature in order to protect and nurture the island. Roksana the Brave, a Demon, grew in wisdom and trained the Pae'il in the arts of strategy. She also bestowed the defensive and offensive abilities all Angels and Demons use. Unknown hero Unknown hero

Two of the twelve heroes remain lost to time, because most traces -- namely their monoliths at the Ten Alters (which should technically be called the Twelve Alters) have been destroyed, making any identifiable information impossible to find.

It was toward the end of The First Age when these Elders ascended to become The Guardians, and pass through the veil of mortal life to an immortal realm where they could watch over and protect Pae'il from an omnipotent place. From their new station, the grew in power and knowledge. They started appointing new Elders to lead the Pae'il on the mortal realm, granting new powers and duties to those chosen few.

Their ascension marked the beginning of the end of peace.