Genetics of Magic

From Telrunya Online Wiki

Genes are like Skittles! Each 1st generation species is their own color of skittles! Fae/Mika are Pink, Elementals are green, and Light pae are yellow...

Telrunya is the source of all magic. So when Telrunya makes a pae (1st gens) they are ALL one color. Now when two pae get together and want to produce a baby, they use 51 out of their 100 skittles... dont worry, they get them back... Each baby they would use 50 skittles. So with their partners added 51 skittles they get... you guessed it... 102 skittles. Wait... the math. Those extra two skittles... what happened?! Well sometimes, instead of getting 50/50 a pae will get 51/49. But the rejected skittles get tossed. So that every pae gets only 100 skittles.

Now if say you are breeding faun... it would be 51 green from mom and 51 green from dad! So you would have 100 green skittles, no questions asked and then the resulting baby is a Faun. This works with all the other species as well. (Minus mythicals but we will get to them later.)

So we know how to make purebred pae right?! Start... with purebred pae and breed to other pure pae. BUT What happens when other colors get mixed in.

Say our mom Faun took her skittles to a party and met up with a dashing angel. He has Yellow skittles as he is a light pae. A little bump on the dance floor and we mixed their skittles... 51 green and 51 Yellow... the resulting baby... Looks like either parent!? What?! Well thats what happens when you have a 50/50 split of yellow and green skittles. If it was 49 green/51 yellow, the baby would be an angel, and a faun if 51 green/ 49 yellow.

So now... your 2nd gen pae, that looks like an Angel (51yellow skittles and 49 green), decides to bump skittles with a 2nd generation pure fae. So The Fae gives 51 pink... and then your angel, gives 51 of their skittles. This is randomized, as they arent able to pick and choose, Unless of course you bribe XD So all babies would get 49, 50, or 51 pink skittles and 51 yellow and or green. But even if they get all green skittles they would have SOME yellow at least one. (We try to make it easy math by assuming they get half and half yellow and green.) So what does this make the children?! Most likely fae... but its possible that your angel's genes passed on 51 yellow... and so the resulting baby would be 51 yellow and 49 pink... so it would be an Angel... There is also a good chance they could have Wilwarin babies, which would be 50 pink and 50 yellow. But again, the more likely is that they will have fae as the 2nd gen angel is passing on 24.5 yellow and 24.5 green... So the resulting babies, would have 50 pink, 24.5 yellow and 24.5 green. So with mostly pink skittles they will be Fae appearing/ considered 3rd gen fae.

So now... THAT fae... donates 51 of their skittles to a 2nd gen demon who has 51 yellow skittles and 49 green. 40 pink and 10 yellow and 1 green from mom And 21 yellow and 30 green from demon daddy.... So the baby would be... Fae!? 40 pink, 31 yellow, 31 green. So it appears to be a fae... but its not even 50% a fae?! wow... genes are funny...