They are a subspecies to the demons more commonly identified as Yokai. As such, they gain magical abilities as other demons would. Unlike other demons, though, they come with a special set of magical abilities stored in the three, flying flames around them called Foxfyre. Each one comes with its own power, that when consumed, bestows that power on the Kitsune or Pae'il. One is for healing, one for transformation, and one holding a unique ability for that Kitsune. If the Foxfyre is consumed by somepae other than the Kitsune owner, they must get it back from them or else they'll forever lose that ability.
Magical Abilities
- They have an innate resistance to Taint.
- Their transformation, healing, and unique ability can only be used if they consume the proper Foxfyre for it.
Foxfyre #1: Unique Racial Ability
- Not all Kitsune's will use their racial ability due to its possibly detestable nature. With a single kiss to the mouth, a Kitsune can draw the magic ability from the Pae'il they're kissing. Its only a portion of their power though, so if the Kitsune so desires to use it it will not be on as grand of a level. They can store the power for later use or merge it with their third Foxfyre in order to use it for a limited amount of time. Once used, the power will be lost and they will need to kiss again to gain a power.
- Those Kitsune who despise the invasive power can instead gain a unique power to replace it.
Foxfyre #2: Transformation
- Their transformation magic is a physical one, making them look and feel like the species they are copying.
- They must have seen the species they are attempting to shapeshift to in order for it to work.
- They will only ever look like a species and not an individual Pae and be unable to shift into a Fae or water type.
Foxfyre #3: Healing
- When a kitsune consumes their healing foxfire, they can completely heal. They can also have an injured pae swollow it for complete healing.
The Main Weakness
- Foxefyre can be fed to anypae. But if they are not given back, the kitsune loses it forever.
Kitsune have no allegiance to any pae guardian or deity, even though they are demons. They believe in the kitune god, Inari.
Inari the Creator
- Inari created the kitsune and nekomata. He lives on the back side of To'ul Mountain and stays hidden from pae eyes. His children are the only ones that he allows to see him. It is unknown how long he has lived on the mountain or when he created the first kitsune and nekomata.
- Inari is the creator of all yokai.
- All yokai revere him and show due respect whether or not they are good or bad.
- There are no disbelievers because they have all met him, and he is not a deadbeat dad. But it is up to the individual on how they perceived growing up with him.
Basic Beliefs
- "Home" is the back side of To'ul Mountain.
Kitsune are biologically the same as any other pae, with the exception being they have ninetailed fox features. There DNA allows them to crossbreed with all different types.
- Kitsune are demon pae. Hybrids could default to demon+other parent in rare circumstances.
- They are born as kits with one tail
- As they grow, they gain 2 tails per stage.
- Baby stage
- They resemble a baby fox with one tail.
- They require mother's milk, which can be obtained both naturally and magically.
- Natural comes from mom
- Magic for non-nursing couples is a specialty potion from Kekomura. Just add a drop to water and it becomes nurishment for a baby.
- Toddler Stage
- The have 3 tails
- They have now started to develop their pae features like hands and now start to walk upright.
- They are on solid food now, and it's safe to eat raw meat.
- Child Stage
- They have 5 tails
- Fully erect and full of energy! Do not feed them sugar unless you enjoy chasing a speedy little kit around.
- They get the first foxfyre which gives them the ability to shapeshift into any land dwelling pae that they have seen before, except fae.
- Teen Stage
- They have 7 tails
- They are more mature than most teenagers
- In addition to the shapeshift foxfire, they gain their second one that allows them to fully heal themselves or others
- Adult Stage
- Nine tails!
- They are full grown
- They gain their third foxfyre which allows them to get a unique ability like demons, or they can use it to hold the power they are able to drain from kissing any pae.
- If they opt for a unique power, the third foxfyre will be used for it, and therefor their kiss does not drain another pae's power.
- Kitsune can breed with any other type of pae
- There will always be a minimum of 2 babies, but in rare instances can go up to 4
- The offspring will always be whatever the non-kitsune parent is, with a 10% chance of a kitsune
- The kitsune gene is recessive, and skips a generation. Chances of a kitsune for a 3rd gen is 25%
- If a kitsune+anypae with kitsune gene breed, chances improve to 75%
- Fox features will rarely be passed down to non-kitsune offspring
Kitsune have been on the island for a long time. There is no known date that Inari started creating his children, or even where Inari came from.
Pae culture is kitsune culture in modern times.
- As a group, kitsune lived peacefully on To'ul Mountain, connected to nature and able to sense the changes to the land.