Light and Shadow

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The Light: Angels


Angels were created long ago by the combination of blood, containing the spark of life, and magic to give them form and function.
Angel Pae'il are flesh, bone, and blood, similar to humans.
Angels & demons have an energy source called Aika. Ai is the magic of the Light, and ka is the magic of the Shadow. Elemental magic is a more raw version of that lifeforce energy. Angels tap into that energy source to use their magic and abilities. It is not unlimited, so an Angel must rest or find a way to replenish their energy before being able to cast another spell.


Pae'il have souls and can be reincarnated, but not all are. The connection to their past self has to be discovered through long, arduous questing. No pae'il will know who they used to be without effort, although some may find certain things familiar, or certain triggers may unlock brief memories of the past.
Angels believe in and worship the Guardians as their deities. The Guardians are bringers of life, granters of power, and generally take care of the Pae'il on Telrunya as well as providing guidance in times of need. Guardian Iris serves as their messenger and is the go-between for the Pae'il and the Guardians.


Angels are typically characterized by their large feathered wings and floating halos, usually in silver or gold.
Angels are smaller than demons and tend to have softer, rounded features. Their eyes are larger and more 'innocent-looking' as well. Their hair remains soft and fine, and they tend to appear more graceful and prettier than their kin.
Angels bleed red, like all Pae'il and can die. ((For RP purposes, you have to clear this with Antidia or Teigra first, otherwise your Pae is assumed to be in the limbo state in the Hall of Lost Souls.))
Angels, like all Pae'il, have lips, mouths, and noses. They are just not visible on the official cert art.




The Shadow: Demons


Demons were created long ago by the combination of blood, containing the spark of life, and magic to give them form and function.
Demons are flesh, bone and blood, even similar to humans.
Demons have an energy source called Aika. Ai is the magic of The Light, and ka is the magic of the Dark. Elemental magic is a more raw version of that lifeforce energy. Demons tap into that energy source to use their magic and abilities. It is not unlimited, so a Demon must rest or find a way to replenish their energy before being able to cast another spell.


Pae'il have souls and can be reincarnated, but not all are. The connection to their past self has to be discovered through long, arduous questing. No pae'il will know who they used to be without effort, although some may find certain things familiar, or certain triggers may unlock brief memories of the past.
Demons believe in and worship the Guardians as their deities. The Guardians are bringers of life, granters of power, and generally take care of the Pae'il on Telrunya as well as providing guidance in times of need. Guardian Iris serves as their messenger and is the go-between for the Pae'il and the Guardians.


Demons are typically characterized by their large leathery wings and spaded tails.
Demons are the larger than angels. They are taller with sharper features. The women tend to have more exaggerated curves, leading to the Demons being known as the 'sexy' breed. Their hair is more coarse, typically spikey when the Pae are young. They appear tougher than the Angels, and their eyes have a narrowed, devious appearance, though this is only a physical trait and carries no implication of the Pae's actual personality.
Demons bleed red, like all Pae'il and can die. ((For RP purposes, you have to clear this with Antidia or Teigra first, otherwise your Pae is assumed to be in the limbo state in the Hall of Lost Souls.))
Demons, like all Pae'il, have lips, mouths, and noses. They are just not visible on the official cert art.


