Setting Rules
Due to the delicate and fickle nature of RP and the fantasy world, these are the guidelines to follow regarding Time.
- Time is measured in Seasons, weeks, days, hours, minutes, and seconds. Years are used in the same context as decades are for humans.
- There is no definitive conversion, as time is relative.
- It takes 6 seasons for a baby Pae'il to become a Teenager.
- It takes 6 seasons for a Teenager to become an Adult.
- Regardless of how much actual time it takes for a Pae'il to grow, in-character RP requires that all Pae'il will be played to grow the same.
- If it takes 10 months for a teenager to become an adult, in RP, that is still only 6 seasons.
- Days, hours, minutes, and seconds are still roughly the same.
- There are still 4 seasons per year
- Pae'il grow gradually just like humans, they do not spontaneously get bigger
- Time Travel & Controlling Time
- Events in history are fixed and cannot be altered under any circumstances.
- Time traveling Pae'il are able to travel back in time to witness events, but cannot interact with anything.
- Time can be sped up or slowed via unique powers/abilities ONLY
- Pae'il cannot travel to the future under any circumstances, because the future is not written yet.
- Pae'il with time travel or control abilities must seek permission from staff before traveling (or affecting) important events in Pae'il history.
Pae'il do not degenerate or appear to "grow old".
There is no set time limit for becoming a Luminary because that is merit-based in-character. (It is merit-based for the player as well.)
Basic geographical information about Telrunya
Telrunya Isle is currently an island located in the middle of the sea. It is never mentioned which sea because it is unknown. It is uncharted because the island was previously floating above the clouds until magic pulled it back down to a specific location.
Telrunya Isle, plus all the surrounding islands and Telrunya City is fairly massive. It is over 100,000 sq. miles of land and is approximately 200 miles from the base of Aura Nin Mountains to Dragnid Tower. 450 miles from Nathaear Beach to the Landing Pad. Most of the island is sea level towards the center, however towards the east and west coasts, where the mountains are, the elevation rises dramatically. It is unknown currently how tall Aura Nin Mountain is because there is a magical force in play preventing any Pae'il from scaling the peak. Tuatha Ri Lake marks the lowest point on the island and contains an entirely inland lake. The depth is approximately 800 feet. It is too deep for land pae to swim, however, naiads are perfectly suited to travel the distance with no consequence. At the very deepest point, a rock formation that existed in the sea prior to the island falling penetrated the lake bed. Please Note: It would take an average pae a little over 8 days, taking 17 minutes per mile, to walk 100 miles.
Resources and Raw Materials
The fairies of Telrunya have set up a Trading Post near where the old Headquarters was located. Merchants and traders who stop by the island drop off supplies that the fairies can trade to the Pae'il for goods they may create or harvest.
- Food
- Natural vegetation (for consumption) that occurs in the "wild" includes bananas, coconuts, berries, grass, fruit-bearing trees of all varieties, mushrooms, tea and herbs.
- Commercial vegetables such as corn, tomatoes, potatoes, etc. Must be grown by a Pae'il to exist. They do not grow in the "wild". Seeds for any type of vegetable or fruit are obtainable at the Trading Post, for no cost.
- Livestock: There are chickens, ducks, pigs, goats, and sheep for the meat-eaters.
- Wild Game: Hunt-minded Pae'il are free to hunt and eat any animal they fancy, provided it makes sense for that animal to exist. (such as deer in the forests, and fish in the lakes. But not cows in the forests or moose in the swamps)
- Ore
- Copper, silver, and gold are used to make coins. Iron can be found in the mountains.
- Raw Materials
- Cotton grows naturally in some areas but must be harvested and woven into cloth. The same goes for wool; it needs to be sheered from the sheep and woven into cloth to be used.
- Glass is available and can be created & crafted
- Paper is available and can be created
- Not Available
- Petroleum or any products that may be created by such, including plastic.
- Modern technology. A random item might be floating around the island, but they are unique RP items required as part of an event. Only staff can approve these.
- Anything that would exist post-Industrial Revolution.
Ecological Zones
- Mountains
- Aura Nin Mountain, which is the tallest mountain on the island. They are rocky and have snow year-round.
- To'ul Mountains are shorter, just south of Aura Nin Mountain. These mountains are full of caves and contain coniferous forest climates. They do not get snow.
- Water
- Tuatha Ri Lake is the largest body of water, fed by a small river between Aura Nin Mountain and To'ul Mountains.
- Sein Lagoon is mostly surrounded by cliffs and jagged rocks, so boats cannot enter. It is connected to Tuatha Ri Lake by the Chai'en River, which cuts right through the center of Loka Nei Forest.;Fores
- Forest
- Ithyl Forest, which used to be a part of Loka Nei Forest has retained all characteristics of a forest.
- Swamp
- Waplei River became Waplei Swamp when the island landed. The swamp drains via waterfall into Waplei Cove.
Basic Information for Role-Play on Telrunya Island
- Telrunyaonline is a fantasy setting with very few modern inventions.
The Coinage Guild provides a currency for the entire island, however, different villages and settlements barter.
There is no electricity that feeds the entire island, however, there are many different paths for individual pae to create it. It does NOT happen naturally and houses will not have lights or appliances that use electricity unless the Pae'il who lives there creates it.
Pae do not have indoor plumbing.
They have to create their own aqueducts if they want water in their houses, otherwise, it's wiser to live near water sources.
It is usually very temperate, but on the mountains it will be cold, and near Dragnid Tower it will be hot.
Dragnid Tower has an evil entity that releases taint deep in its core. This taint has affected the surrounding wildlife and plants, making Dragnid Forest a dangerous place for pae to frolic.
Silme Pond (pronounced sil-may), in the center of Netheaer Forest, is a very magical little pond. When you look into it during a full moon mysterious things can happen. But usually, it will give pae a small glimpse of their immediate future.
- These locations are OFF LIMITS (under no circumstances are Pae'il allowed to explore these locations and doing so will invite the wrath of a terrible NPC interaction in which no mercy will be spared.)
- Tyla'es Cave
- The peaks of Aura Nin Mountain
- The cave behind the waterfall at Waplei Cove
- The ominous cave between Loka Nei Forest and To'ul Mountain
- All other areas are free for exploration. The reason these locations are off-limits is due to future Metaplot locations.
- You are free to include any animal in your RP if it is logical they would exist in that climate.
- For example: deer in forests is okay. Crocodiles in the forest are not.
- There are a LOT of birds on Telrunya.
- There are no horses on Telrunya.
- The most common animals, aside from birds, are monkeys and fish.
Traveling pae are welcome to introduce new wildlife if they bring it back to the island with them.
The Library that was contained at the HQ has been relocated. It will have to be rediscovered in an upcoming future meta event, so in the meantime, Telrunya is without the vast library it used to have.
The Falassion House of Healing is a fairy-run spa where pae can go for some pampering or healing. The fairies there know how to treat most maladies, and this location should be utilized if you can't find a healer pae to RP with when your pae gets sick or injured.
There are many villages and settlements for new pae to live in.
Trade Routes exist between villages.
Biology & Ecology
Pae'il Biology (This is general knowledge, please see individual breed threads for specific details.)
- There are three main Factions of Pae'il
- Light, which includes Angels and Demons
- Ancient, which includes Naiad and Faun (and the three undiscovered types), and each one is based on one of the five basic elements the island is made of: Water, Earth, Void Magic, Air, and Fire.
- Corrupted, which includes all types of pae that have joined Strafe's army.
Fae pae are defaulted to the Light faction because they are created by the Guardians and require a connection to an existing story, fable, myth, or idea in order to live.
Hybrids and Mixed Pae'il belong to both or neither Alignment of their parents, depending on their attitude and personality.
- Light pae and fae pae have anatomy similar to humans. They are on average about 4-5 feet tall.
- Ancient Pae'il biology is very different from light pae
- Ancient Pae'il were dormant for many hundreds of years, protected and safe. They originally hatch out of eggs, which reflect their elements, because they are born of the element.
- All first-generation Ancient Pae'il will hatch. Currently, Naiad come from pearls and Faun come from Acorns.
- All second-generation Ancient Pae'il will be live born of their parents.
- Each ancient type of pae has a different body type depending on their element. Naiad have fish features, and faun have deer features.
Reproduction & Babies
- Heterosexual pairings can do things the old-fashioned way and it will result in the female conceiving.
- Alternate ways pae can have babies
- The pair can always choose a surrogate
- The pair can choose to visit Iordane for a temporary gender swap in order to conceive naturally
- For light pae, the pair can pray to the guardians earnestly, and a fairy from the Falassian House of Healing will be notified and begin the process of nurturing two souls
- For faun pae, the pair will go to the upper boughs of the Great Tree and choose a pair of flowers (the flowers grow in pairs) and water and nurture and pray over it. Two seeds will grow and once they are the size of walnuts, they are ready to go home with the new parents. They need to be nurtured and will hatch at the size of a canteloupe.
- For naiad pae, the pair will need to obtain a glowing fish from the water globe containing the Water Element. This little fish then is taken to the Cave of Life and fed to an oyster. After some time, the oyster will release two pearls. They are the size of walnuts and can be brought home at this time to be nurtured by the parents, or they can finish developing with the nurturing walls of the cave of life and then be brought home.
- For fae pae, they combine their magic into a dust cloud where their babies will be created.
- Pae'il do have reproduction anatomy and can engage in the act. Just make sure the RP stays pg-13
- There are a set of IPC characters based on the Greek Erotes and their arrows do cause mayhem. If a Pae'il is affected, seek out Anteros (an NPC - contact staff) for a quick cure because the Erote magic gradually wears off.
Pae'il DO have mouths and noses, even if the cert art does not reflect this. They also have toes. Pae'il blood is red. Pae'il can be mortally wounded. Pae'il do get sick and can be affected by viruses and bacteria Pae'il do NOT get cancer, STD's, or AIDS. Pae'il (except Naiads) cannot breathe underwater, because their lungs need a steady supply of air. Pae'il bodies are subject to pressure, so cannot swim deep. Pae'il cannot see any better or hear any better than a human. Feathers do not work if they are wet.
Pae and the Physical Environment
- Pae should not be careless with the environment, it is a living being with a spirit that reveals herself in times of need.
- Pae cannot naturally communicate with the wild life or plant life unless it is their unique power or ability.
- DRAGNID IS DANGEROUS and any Pae'il wandering in there is setting themselves up for an NPC wildlife attack, kidnapping by the evil that lives in the temple or tower or just pure bad things.
- Dragnid is TAINTED by a dark magic that seeps from Dragnid Tower, so the closer to the Tower, the more potent the taint. Pae'il are NOT immune to it.
- Do NOT explore the temple ruins, for plot reasons. Pae can get killed there.
- You are welcome to RP your Pae'il getting chased/mauled by dangerous creatures if your Pae needs to face danger.
- The creatures of Dragnid will rarely wander outside of the forest, so the surrounding areas are safe. Most of the time.
- Waplei Swamp is showing signs of taint.
- The peaks of Aura Nin are OFFLIMITS.
- Pae can freeze at cold temperatures just like humans. They also can burn at high temperatures. (of course, unless their power says otherwise.)
- Fishing and hunting are natural survival activities.
- Biting & stinging insects do go after Pae'il
Magic is the keystone on which Telrunya was built and founded. It is the life and energy flowing through everything that exists on the isle. In the beginning, magic was pure, powerful, and omnipotent. But in the wrong hands, it changed.
Types of Magic
- True Magic
- This is the original magic that created the island and no longer can be used or found. It is assumed to have disappeared.
- Color: White
- Aika - this is the balanced magic the Guardians use
- Ai - positive energy, subject to karma
- This is the energy the Guardians use to give Light Pae their powers and abilities.
- Color: Yellow
- Ka
- Negative energy, forbidden from use
- Color: Purple
- This energy source is used by Strafe and is most potent in Dragnid Tower.
- Guardians refuse to use it, and it became forbidden.
- Strafe mixes the Dragnid Taint with Ka in order to control his minions/converts.
- Elemental Magic
- Elemental is considered to be the most primitive and raw magic source on the planet, existing before True Magic.
- Elemental magic, due to its "unprocessed" and balanced nature, does not have karmic retribution
- Serves as the magic source for all Ancient Pae'il, regardless of what power/ability they may have.
- The Five Elements
- Water - Color: blue
- Earth - Color: green
- Void - Color: black (This element encompasses things unseen and unexplainable. It is the 'super' in supernatural.)
- Air - Color: powder blue
- Fire - Color: red
- Taint - this energy seeps out from Dragnid Tower, corrupting anything that is exposed too long.
- So far, only Strafe can control it.
- It is made up of the unused Ka energy the Guardians dispose of
Science & Technology
Pae science is not as advanced as humans because, for generations, they have relied on magic to solve all of their problems. Engineering, mechanics, physics, chemistry, and mathematics are fields of study still in their early stages. Feel free to explore these if you want, and have your Pae discover and invent new things to make life easier for the island.
- Types of electricity available
- Wind Turbines
- Hydropower
- Steam power
- Lightning Harness
- This can be a contraption invented by a pae used to capture and store electricity from a bolt of lightning.
- Magic
- This is the easy solution, provided the pae has the ability to begin with. (water, electricity, steam, etc.)
- Types of fuel
- Wood
- Steam
- Natural oil (made from vegetables)
- Alcohol
- Algae (can be used to make plastic too)
- This type of fuel will function similarly to petroleum, but it has to be harvested and processed.
- Coal (has to be mined)
- Petroleum does not exist in Telrunya
- All of these fuel sources will need to be discovered, processed, and maintained.
- Types of water delivery
- Aqueducts
- Wells
- Windpumps (wind mills)
- Barrels for collecting rainwater or cisterns
- Magic
- Forbidden Technology
- Television sets that broadcast "human" programming.
- Microwave ovens (where would they come from?)
- MP3 players (where would they get the music?
- Human computers that connect to the human internet (again, how would they connect?)
- Cellphones (again, how would they connect without towers and a network)
- Any mechanical creation that would rely on fossil fuels (gasoline, oil, natural gas, etc.)
- Telephones as humans use them - wireless
- Human appliances such as washing machines, refrigerators, mixers, bread makers, etc. (pae can still use the concepts, but they have to invent it themselves. Also, freon would not be readily available for fridges and air conditioners)
- Batteries (the island lacks the chemicals to make batteries like humans use, however, inventive pae can create their own methods for storing electricity and fuel.)
- Petroleum burning Automobiles (like modern-day cars and trucks. If the pae is inclined to create their own little contraption for getting around, they can. It just can't spew pollution or require a network of roadways to be functional.)
- Allowable Technology
- Any mechanical creation that is powered by natural resources such as steam, wind, water, lightning, etc.
- Cooling boxes to function like a fridge
- Radios - fairies will be able to broadcast until a Pae takes the initiative to do this
- The printing press (there is one on the island, in the City)
- Typewriters (in limited supply, as these will have been salvaged from the HQ)
- Basic hand tools (provided a pae figures out how to make them)
- Clocks
- Light bulbs (they have to have electricity first)
- Wires (these do not just appear, they gotta be made by someone who knows how)
- As long as a Pae discovers or invents it, modern tools and appliances are allowed.
As a rule of thumb, Pae'il will not do anything to purposely destroy their habitat. They are neat creatures that care about nature. Of course, there are always those bad apples who don't care, but they are few and far between.
- There is a faction of pae that would like to see the world burn
Spirituality, the Afterlife and Funeral Rites
- It is up to each individual character who/how they worship, but please try to refrain from bringing homogenized Christian concepts to the island, such as the concept of 'god', the ten commandments, Easter (the religious part), marriage-before-children etc. Because Pae'il have their own religion and set of moral codes to abide by.
- The Guardians are the light pae deity and function the same as a pantheon.
- Elemental faction do not recognize The Guardians as deities, instead hold sacred and revere the elemental core as their supreme beings. They look to their ancestors for guidance and make offerings to them.
- All pae have souls. Once the soul leaves the body, it becomes a spirit.
- Spirits can either continue to exist in the Spirit Realm, go to Summerland, Avernus, or be reborn.
- Summerland is the final destination for Pae'il spirits. It is considered a paradise. Once a spirit goes here, they can never return, and cannot communicate further with the living.
- Rebirth: Reincarnation occurs often, particularly in those heroic spirits who are driven to protect the island. Not all Pae'il spirits will be or want to be reborn.
- Pae'il Spirits will exist in the Spirit Realm with their memories and emotions, but no physical body.
- Spirits cannot interact with the mortal realm
- Spirits cannot communicate with living beings unless the pae are sensitive to it. Meaning: Pae whose ability/power is to speak to spirits or animals.
- Elemental Spirits can manifest in the mortal realm.
- Pae'il spirits with a statue of themselves erected in the Hall of Lost Souls can re-inhabit their old body via those statues. (The statue will break away revealing the Pae standing in its place.)
- If a Statue is destroyed, it cannot be rebuilt. The Spirit then only has two options: Summerland or Rebirth
- The Statues are crafted by a fairy called The Sculptor of the Lost. He will sculpt a statue of any Pae'il that becomes lost. (This is for those Pae'il that go inactive or belong to someone who is blacklisted ONLY, because Pae who die cannot come back to life in their old body--but they can reincarnate.)
- A dead Pae'il body will be void of all colors and patterns, and their eyes will look like hollow glass. The body will turn to dust after a few days, returning to the soil.
Funeral Rites
- Light Pae
Small cairns (typically less than 2 feet tall, the more important the pae, the taller it will be) are erected over the place where the body returned to the soil. (Superstitions arose from this practice) During the "funeral," each person in attendance will add a stone to the base. Family and friends can lay flowers on the cairn to honor the dead on anniversaries or important dates, or to celebrate the Day of the Dead.
- Elemental Pae'il
- Naiads
- Because the dust returns to the water and is impossible to mark the location, Naiad will instead celebrate the life of the departed, and wish them a safe journey to their next destination.
- Faun
- A tree will grow over the spot where the dust returned to the earth.
- Miakis tba
- Sila tba
- Dracian tba
- Fae
- Attendants will wear flower wreaths and carry sticks of Hawthorne while marching to the Fae Clearing.
- They'll continue to gather until midnight and they'll sing the Song of Fae to say goodbye to their lost ones.
- Many island fairies (not pae) will do this nightly to honor those who have passed.
Telrunya City
Telrunya City was the original home of the Angels and Demons before the Great Sundering which shattered the island. The city was destroyed and separated from the island many centuries ago.
In an event lost to antiquity, the small piece of Telrunya containing the ruined city found its way back to the mainland, connecting with a violent force that shook the whole island. The city remained in ruin for many years, until the fairies of the island decided to rebuild it, to provide new homes for the Pae'il with new opportunities to rebuild their once great and thriving society.
It remained untouched by Pae'il. So the fairies moved in instead.
When Telrunya island landed in the Sea, the powerful fairy magic protected the City, preventing it from landing in the water. The City floats and moves around, orbiting the Isle and moving high into the sky whenever a storm passes by.
- The Setting in the City
- The City is reminiscent of a medieval setting, in which the whole city is contained within castle walls, but with a few modern twists.
- The buildings and walls are constructed of a white rock substance similar to marble. It is sturdy and strong, designed to survive The Guardian's wrath, should they decide another Sundering is necessary.
- Important Information for RPing in Telrunya City
- The City is occupied by fairies. Not Disney fairies, but the same fairies that live on Telrunya. Telrunya fairies look like Mellons (Mellons are the fairies, just they are called Mellons because they become companions.)
- Any Pae'il that can make it up to the City is allowed in. (or just use the Landing Pad. The fairies redirected it.)
- Telrunya City is a more modern setting than the Isle with shops, apartments, electricity, and running water.
- The fairies provide electricity for the city. It is a closely guarded secret how they do it, but they have decided to not share this information with the fairies who live on the island.
Telrunya City has its own info page!
The Five Sacred Temples
In Ancient times, there were five sacred temples for all Pae to gather and worship. Each temple served as the home and location of the sacred Element. Each Elemental type of Pae was tasked with protecting the Element from outside sources.
This is the Earth Element temple. It is a giant living tree that houses and protects the Faun. Chieftain Rais is the protector of the Earth Element and leader of the Faun. Only Faun are allowed to freely enter the Tree. All other Pae'il must be given permission by Rais The Tree is on a small island of its own, with a bridge connecting it to the mainland. There is an extensive root system beneath the soil that gives the Faun protection and functions like a labyrinth.
Alu Spring
This is the Water Element temple. It is an 800 foot tall building that reaches from the lake bed all the way to the top of the lake. It serves as the palace and home to the Royal Court. Alu Spring is made of a brilliant marble stone with gold veining. There are lights all over the temple so that there is visibility even at the deepest depths. The top floor exists on the top of the water to allow land Pae'il a place to pay their respects to the Water Element. If a land Pae'il enters the temple via the stairway on the topside floor, they will enter the water with a bubble that allows them to breath indefinitely and not be affected by pressure in the depths. Queen Tariel is the protector of the Water Element and leader of the Naiad.
Templa Hive Temple
Undiscovered It is rumored this was the temple currently being overrun by jungle vegetation in Loka Nei Jungle
Vilya's Grace
The Citadel
This is the ruined temple in the heart of Dragnid forest, at the base of Dragnid Tower. It is far too dangerous to go to this temple There is currently one resident: Branwen, and she's nuts It is too dangerous to go here. Don't forget, Dragnid is really dangerous
(these will be described in-depth elsewhere, so this will just be basic information)