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=== Lucandria ===
=== Lucandria ===
Lycan live in forest-like areas usually but in homes they have built, or even in towns and villages, they seem more tame than some other wildkin. They learn and adapt quickly. And have been "domesticated". Mika keep them as  pets and thus they will be treated like pets. Domesticated Lycans are looked down on by free lycans. They speak whatever language is spoken around where they grow up, so generally common, though puppies raised in or around mika will likely speak both Ancient(picked up from their owners so probably wont be perfect) and Common picked up from the other wildkin in their homes.
Lycan live in forest-like areas usually but in homes they have built, or even in towns and villages, they seem more tame than some other wildkin. They learn and adapt quickly. And have been "domesticated". Mika keep them as  pets and thus they will be treated like pets. Domesticated Lycans are looked down on by free lycans. They speak whatever language is spoken around where they grow up, so generally common, though puppies raised in or around mika will likely speak both Ancient(picked up from their owners so probably wont be perfect) and Common picked up from the other wildkin in their homes.

They live in packs when undomesticated. And as pets they generally are longing for a pack. Luckily most Mika that keep lycans have a few of them and they naturally will turn those in their homes into a pack. It may be completely platonic and there may be a lot of tension but its better than not having any pack.
They live in packs when undomesticated. And as pets they generally are longing for a pack. Luckily most Mika that keep lycans have a few of them and they naturally will turn those in their homes into a pack. It may be completely platonic and there may be a lot of tension but its better than not having any pack.

Revision as of 16:56, 4 August 2024

Lycan are a Wolf-based wildkin. Known throughout Pae’il history as the legend of the werewolf, no one really believed them to be a thing. To this day they still don’t actively know of them. Those that have seen them assume they are maybe a wild soul pae’il that was caught shifting in the moonlight. Or a fauny with paws, perhaps… There are a bunch of those running around right?

In fact, Lycan were derived from the original Faun ancestors that were pulled into Aynurlet in the explosion that separated them. From there Evolution took over.

The first known Lycan Pae'il on Telrunya appeared seasons ago. He was alone. A pack animal without a pack uprooted from a very structured society to the structureless wild of Telrunya.



Lycan live in forest-like areas usually but in homes they have built, or even in towns and villages, they seem more tame than some other wildkin. They learn and adapt quickly. And have been "domesticated". Mika keep them as pets and thus they will be treated like pets. Domesticated Lycans are looked down on by free lycans. They speak whatever language is spoken around where they grow up, so generally common, though puppies raised in or around mika will likely speak both Ancient(picked up from their owners so probably wont be perfect) and Common picked up from the other wildkin in their homes.

They live in packs when undomesticated. And as pets they generally are longing for a pack. Luckily most Mika that keep lycans have a few of them and they naturally will turn those in their homes into a pack. It may be completely platonic and there may be a lot of tension but its better than not having any pack.


A few Lycan have found their way into the vast open and accepting world that is Telrunya. Though telrunya is still mostly wild, lycan here are generally found close to villages. Though still lovers of nature their knowledge of the technology and the glitz and glam of Lucandria, they tend to be very advanced for telrunya. Living in homes, they tend to speak Common or elemental, depending on where they were raised and what they were taught by their parents.


Helpful Flow chart

The Lycan species is run by a council, similar to the 5 dukes and duchesses of Lucandria, there are 5 main packs lead by an Alpha each. These packs are Wind Ridge, The Underground, Lost Howl, Fire Mountain, and Sea Wolf Packs.

Within each of these territories there are smaller pack territories, and so on down the line. Parents let their children make packs on their territories and then down the line. Due to inbreeding worries lycans tend to look outside their territories for potential mates, not always but in general. (Due to TO being very anti-inbreeding of any kind we will be watching lines, but if not related by birth in shop/plotted your lycans, no matter what territory they are from, are not considered related. ie not close enough to matter.)

Family Packs are generally started by an Alpha/Beta who sets out on their "own" with their friends. Many packs start platonically though most would start romantically between two-three wolves. They usually grow into romantic things if started platonically but not always.

There is a single Pack Alpha in each pack, regardless of how many alphas or units are in a pack. This will always be the most dominant Alpha. Many times its agreed upon, though sometimes it has to be forced.

If a child makes their own pack they are still considered part of their original pack hierarchy, their whole pack being that rank as well, if they stay on their parents territory. Parents are generally more dominant, in that they usually have final say in things, though not completely rarely, Offspring may challenge their parents.

Pack Structure

Packs are made up of 3 or more wolves that are together romantically or platonically. It can be 3 alphas, or 3 betas or in theory 3 omegas, though this has never happened. It can also be any mix of those and then every wolf in addition to that is just "bonus".

Pack Alphas are the most dominant in the pack. -- Alpha dominance is the most rigid. In a pack of 7 alphas each alpha would be aware of where their dominance stands at any time.

Head Beta are the most dominant beta of the pack. This is usually an agreed upon title as the most proactive and outgoing beta is usually the one that gets this title, if they pick one at all.

Head omega is the most dominant Omega in the pack. Generally packs are lucky to have a single omega so there isn't usually a need for a “head omega” but if there is ever more than one they will establish dominance as well.

Lycans will refer to each other by their designation in moments to show they understand the dominance if the situation calls for it. Alphas tend not to call each other by designation unless absolutely needed. Betas will do it for Alphas if the alpha needs them to for peace of mind but will rarely call to their Omegas. Omegas naturally refer to Alphas and Betas as such, unless they have been instructed not to, which due to trying to blend in, in public its frowned on, though it can and is sometimes used to tease and try and get their alphas riled up about their own dominance and to put them into a more protective headspace.


Growth happens from infant to child to teen and then adult. However unique to them, there is strange magic that seems to draw mini wolves from telrunya to these packs. Spending time with wolf packs and making pack bonds with a pack alpha seems to trigger growth in some mini wolves, so that they can end up as true Lycans. Their growth is baby, mini, Adult Lycan.


Babies are live-born, and are tiny. Their eyes are closed and their ears are folded down. They are helpless at this stage. Survival rates for orphaned babies is extremely low, luckily the whole pack is involved in raising children, often times parents are not ever explicitly stated to the infants so they may not know who their biological mother or father is. All pae have a unique scent, and babies are no different their personal smell though is usually hidden deeply under the blend of pack scents.


Children will require food to be hunted and killed for them, and are still rather vulnerable to predators and other packs, though killing young lycans is taboo among packs as puppies are a blessing, and to kill one is an act of war. Their senses are becoming sharper and sharper. This is the stage where they start testing their boundaries and their dominance level starts to reveal itself.. Play-fighting is not uncommon as it serves as a method to learn pain thresholds, and ability limitations. The child’s scent will become more present and unique. Alphas generally tend to smell more masculine where as Omegas smell more sweet or fruity, betas can smell like literally anything.


Teens are adequate hunters in this stage because they need to know how to take care of themselves. Though in modern age where this isn’t needed as much they are losing this ability to hunt as well as they would have previously, depending on how much they try to hunt will of course, reflect in this ability. Though still as puberty hits, so does the curse of the moon, and they will be forced to shift every full moon. Their pack bonds will strengthen and solidify as they are more mature.


Adults are full grown. They are predators and have sharp fangs. They can only shift during the full moon but luckily they have more control over themselves than they did as teenagers. As adults they will be looking to start or join a family pack. As adults they have the most developed sense of scent. Able to sense emotional changes in pae’il and lycans alike.

  • They have litters of up to 5 pups. Two is the most common amount though.
  • They are live-born
  • They nurse.
  • Lycans cannot breed with Naga or Harpy, because they do not lay or come from eggs.
  • If a Lycan feels they must breed with any other type of Pae'il *(except Naga and Harpy) The offspring are likely to be the same type as the mother.
  • Lycan are not typically monogamous, exceptions are very… VERY rare. And even when monogamous they will be a monogamous couple inside of a pack. Think Cuddles with everyone, sexy times with only one other...
Scent Glands
  • Scent glands are a unique gland, located on either side the neck and on the wrists, that release a more rich and condensed version of their scent.
  • All pae, not just lycans, have unique scents. Even if two smell like Cinnamon they will be slightly different in warmth or some way that makes them smell uniquely them. Lycans can smell these differences.
  • Due to Scent being so clear to them its very important and can tell them things about health, designation, mood, etc
  • Scenting is an intimate and comforting time. By rubbing scent glands on their wrist or neck against each other it will release the more dense scent, as well as endorphins and oxytocin. Making the lycans feel good and relaxed and safe.
  • Scenting is used to calm mates and pack, but too much of a good thing can be dangerous. Getting intoxicated/drunk on scent is very similar to being drunk or high. In such in lycan law, lycan that are scent high are considered unable to consent or make important choices.
  • Nipping is a quick way to settle a pack member or mate. This is a gentle to firm bite directly to the scent gland that will send the nipped lycan straight into a relaxed, content, state.

Typical Behavior

These are only guidelines, as they can have any personality the player wants to give them but typical lycans will have been raised by lycans so keep in mind the social expectations and beliefs they would have grown up with. . Dominance is everything to these wolves. In every aspect of their lives.

Lycan are territorial. Running out any other Lycan who trespasses on their territory. Lycans are Primal and Possessive. They long to claim their own property and that extends to their mates. They want to show that their partners are cared for and claimed so others wont come sniffing around. Lycans being territorial, tend to want to be left alone by other pae, of course they deal with them when needed but they tend to stick closely with other wolves. Due to so much of their culture being based on their dominance designation and scent, dealing with other pae who cant pick up scent indicators can be trying at the best of times but otherwise they are basically able to “hide” in plain sight around Telrunya as there are a lot of pawed fauny, and they stay out of the Cities on Lucandria for fear of being pulled into the pet industry.

All wolves have a designation, Alpha, Beta, or Omega. Either gender can be any of the three. (Actually all pae, although they are unaware, are designated, for now though all non-lycans are betas.)


Alphas are the most Dominant. Followed by Betas and then lastly is omegas. This means even the most submissive of Alphas outranks a beta. And the most submissive of betas still out ranks an omega. This isnt just personality based but in their culture as well. When packs meet up the highest ranking alpha of the pack determines that packs social ranking. But all alphas would hold the ability to "command" the lower ranks.

In all parts of their lives, Lycans are naturally prone to displays of dominance. Posturing and growls are normal. Possessiveness is common, of partners and of valuable things.

Depending on the pack, dominance is either agreed upon or forced. Especially between alphas as alphas never take lightly to being told what to do. Defiance is met with correction. How the correction appears is different for everyone. Grounding for children is common, as well as spankings. For partners, it can be spankings as well, or any agreed upon punishment.

Due to the need for understanding and needs to show these displays communication is something that lycans try to keep open and clear.


Alphas will be looking to protect and pamper their pack mates, provide food, safety, and affection. Though they can still be kind and careful, they often have instinctual urges that would be classified as Alpha behavior. (Yes we are going mini omegaverse if you know it you know it… if you dont… feel free to skip google and just follow what we have here.) Alphas in Society tend to be higher in their jobs than that of other ranks just based on their size and dedication. Typically stubborn and not used to being told no they are easily promoted in their work or they simply start their own types of work or “job” to provide for their packs.

Dominance is VERY important to Alphas in their relationships. Due to Alphas larger size and more aggressive nature they are selected for in pets for their protection ability.

Alpha children and their friends will tend to start to pack up young and will figure out their hierarchy early.


Betas are “normal”, they are those that typically want to cook most meals and keep their packs stable and adjusted to the world. They arent typically driven by instincts and thus act very much like other Pae’il. They can be more dominant or submissive and basically fill the gaps of a pack. If a pack has a million Alphas they would seek out more submissive Betas. Betas take on the care rolls usually and can be very motherly and gentle.


Omegas tend to enjoy the finer things in life and comfort, but are very parental and desire to make the packs grow and thrive. They are usually very submissive to both alphas and betas. This can of course be in moderation depending on your omega. Omegas are cherished in any pack as they are rare and special. Generally most omegas are female however male omegas happen sometimes, though a lot of times are considered useless as they cant get pregnant in Lucandria.

Nesting: Omegas nest. Nesting is a behavior they do when they want to feel safe. Many Omega will take a room to make into a permanent nest. The desire to nest is innate and they will tend to tidy up and move things in a somewhat almost OCD like behavior if they get anxious.


Packs will court wolves they are interested in bringing into the pack. Courting involves gifts and dates and all sorts of spoiling, the point is to show how well they could take care of the new member. Courting looks different for every pack and every potential member. If they are trying to court a musical pae, then taking them to see live music or gifts of instruments etc would be the way to go… of course its all up to you guys whether they like it or no. Courting is 100% dating for packs. Its just dates with multiple members of a pack at once or split out.

Unique Abilities & Powers


"Curse" of the Moon: Some say its a curse most look at it as a legend and something that makes them truly unique. During the full moon they transform into wolves, they have no choice, they become much more instinctual. They will perform territory patrols and hunt and become more protective in general. Behaviors turn much more primal and animalistic. Not out right blood thirsty aggression, most wolves can control themselves but they are definitely not in a reasoning mood. Many wolves will use the full moon to bond with their pack and return to the animals they believe they came from. Others fear their animals and will lock themselves in for the full moon.

Heightened senses: Best hearing and scent ability out of all the pae’il species. With smells they can detect even minor changes in scents. Even able to determine things like health and mood shifts.

Calming Pheromones: When discovering their mates, pack or others they care about in general, are upset, they will instinctually release a calming scent that will marginally relax the other lycans that smell it. There is SOME ability to control their scents but in general most dont have complete control over it.

Pack bonds: familiar bonds that tie wolves of the same pack together. These bonds give general feelings about the others emotional state and well being. Being close is what forms this bond, so as children they naturally form bonds with their parents but when they find mates and their emotions say to those pack mates the pack bond forms to them. Basically an innate feeling of something being wrong or right with their pack.

Mate bites: A permanent mark to claim a mate. These are basically the symbol of wolf soulbonding and as such they acquire a stronger bond through the bite letting them feel precise feelings about the others well being and emotions.

Strength: Stronger than a normal Pae'il (able to carry the weight of a full grown buff male Pae'il with ease).

Marathon runners: Lycan can cover long distances without much rest. Think miles and miles, though in wolf form they can go much faster. Hopefully they head home before its too late on the full moon!

High Special Defense: Strong against offensive magic spells cast on them. Due to not having any magic of their own, their bodies seem to resist magic.

Alpha Voice: An alpha only ability is used in emergencies. This is something all alphas have and its very instinctual. Though can be called upon when tried. It is basically a direct order to their pack, their mates and any more submissive individual. When This voice is used it will be an order that everything in the lycans in hearing range, will be almost forced to follow. Usually its short commands like Stop, Dont, Come, etc... so longer commands in sentences dont hold as much power. -Example: an alpha sees a child with their back turned and a naga in the grass posed to strike. They would alpha voice "Come" and without thought the childs body will start moving toward the alpha.


Do not possess any magical abilities: aside from the shift at the moon, because of this they tend to have deep almost religious beliefs about the moon. They do not get a special, unique power like other Pae'il.

Cannot shapeshift: they are "locked" into their normal form aside from the full moon. Wild soul powers are not compatible with lycans and no matter how hard they try they cannot learn wild soul powers. (You can get power scrolls but none that all shifting outside of the moon will be approved.)

Loyal to a fault: pack before everything else. They would watch the world burn if it would save their pack.

Easily falls into loneliness: Even a day alone, without socializing with another pae/animal brings immense emotional trauma.

Easily hypnotized or mind controlled: While their bodies resist magic their minds seem surprisingly susceptible.

Factions, Associations & Meta-Plot Information

Helpful Flow chart

Lycan are neutral, and do not belong to any faction, unless of course they choose one, but they will never split factions in a pack. If one member of a pack picks a faction they all will pick that faction if they choose to take one. Generally if you are going to pick something Elemental would be where they would go as they are from Lucandria and so are very against both Light. But we aren’t here to tell you what to do.

Pack Law- Packs are life to lycans. Your Pack Alphas word is law. If you disobey you can expect punishment. Dominance displays and displays of submission are subtle but used all the time in the packs. A pack can have multiple alphas but only one pack alpha. Pack laws to a lycan trump any other laws. So if say breeheart says you have to walk on the right side of the road, but your pack alpha told you only to walk on the left, without apology they will walk on the left.

Dominance Designation is determined by genetics and will be rolled for offspring in breeding. Also for now we are limiting one omega per player, so if both owners of parents own an omega already, they will be changed to beta for that pup, or it will have to be given away.

AA is Alpha, AO/AB/BO is Beta, OO is Omega. Because of this it is most common to have betas. True omegas are surprisingly fairly rare and are cherished in packs. Two omegas together will never produce offspring.